The Bad Boy Next Door

The Bad Boy Next Door




Luna is not your typical girl next door. She is a quiet nerd type just trying to survive senior year at St. Pierre’s, an elite prep school for the mega rich. Wilheim is not your typical boy next door either. The rich bad boy runs St. Pierre in his sleep. And they weren’t always neighbors. After Luna’s father remarried a wealthy widow, who happened to live next door to her grade school bully, they move to a new home and a new life she wanted no part of. Now Luna finds herself exposed in more ways than one, dashing all her hopes and dreams at making it through senior year unnoticed. But will opposites attract? Or will things get explosive? Probably both.
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Hello and thank you for choosing my book! Just a few quick things before we get started. First of all, this is my first book here so please be kind. I have written a lot in the past but this marks the first time I’ve ever put it out there for anyone to read besides me. Also, a quick disclaimer, at any time during this book there could be violence, sex, and foul language. It is after all an 18+ story, so you’ve been warned. And lastly, the main character Luna actually writes in her spare time. This is her hobby. I’ve interjected snippets of her stories into the story and will put them in between ~ these ~ lines to designate them as such. Please let me know if this is confusing or if there is a better way to do this. I’d do it in italics if the app would let me. Thank you and enjoy!

~The warrior scooped the maiden into his powerful arms as she leapt into them and locked his lips with hers, kissing her fiercely as if to say ‘you are mine’ in the most powerful way she knew possible.~

Luna sat back from her laptop with a contented sigh and smiled at the last and final page of her novel, pleased with the ending. It wasn’t like she was a hopeless romantic or anything – so she told herself. But novels that ended on a happy note were the best ones in her opinion. Leaning forward in her desk chair, she quickly hit save, just to be safe of course, before standing up and letting herself get in a long stretch. It was amazing how sitting and doing nothing could make one’s muscles ache as much as activity could. Deciding posting her story could wait, she grabbed the empty glass off her desk and headed downstairs for a refill.

Luna Blair’s new home was still unfamiliar and large enough that she could get lost if she was sidetracked. Upstairs the halls and stairs had dark hardwood floors that were cool against her bare feet but downstairs the shiny marble almost hurt to walk on. Still, she wasn’t used to wearing shoes in the house and refused to do it. The kitchen was large and fitted with top-of-the-line appliances which as far as she could tell were never actually used by her new step-mother, the recently widowed Jane Roberts Blair. Jane insisted on keeping her married name from her deceased husband while also taking Luna’s father David’s name. The mere idea made Luna roll her eyes as she got ice from the icemaker.

Jane kept her deceased husband’s name to honor him but still married David, not but two months after he died. Some honor. Real life was nothing like her novels. Despite David and Jane professing being madly in love with each other, Luna didn’t believe it. She believed her father was trying to climb the social ladder and Jane was trying to keep her bed warm with a somewhat younger man. There was no romance there as far as Luna could tell. In fact, she wasn’t totally convinced romance really existed in real life. Especially not like in her novels. A piece of her so badly wanted to believe in it, but when every male was a big, buff hero and every heroine was a beautiful femme fatal and their story of falling for each other was steeped in drama that existed outside of everyday life, it was difficult to for her to see it existing for her the way she wanted.

With a melodramatic sigh, she filled her glass with water and padded back toward the stairs to return to her land of fantasy where she was most happy, ideas for a new book already surging in her mind. Infact she was rarely at a loss for ideas, it was whether her fingers could keep up on the keyboard.

Just as she hit the first step the doorbell rang, causing her to pause mid-step. Who in the world could that be? Biting the inside of her cheek, she waited a moment, listening to see if her dad was coming to answer it. Unfortunately, ever so faintly in the distance she could hear him talking. Damn... he was on a call. And Jane was out shopping. Which meant no one would come to answer the door if she didn’t. Sighing, she came back down the step and carefully set her glass of ice water on the entry way table, sure to leave a ring of water, before she approached the door.

At 5’1”, she didn’t bother with the peep hole, knowing full well she couldn’t see out of it even if she stood on her tip toes. Who even put them up so high? Luna unlocked the door and opened it without thinking, perhaps it was just the mailman delivering a package for her royal highness.

“Princess, can you get that?” she heard her father shout, obviously taking two seconds to mute himself to shout across the house. He was lucky she was actually within earshot.

“Yeah I’ve got-” she stopped short when she came face to face with a broad chest covered in a black t-shirt and strong arms carrying what looked like a casserole, which Luna instinctively wrinkled her nose at.

“What is it Princess, don’t like casseroles?” The deep voice rocked her from her thoughts, mocking her father’s nickname for her, and slowly her slate grey eyes lifted from his arms to his chest to his face. Her cheeks instantly reddened when she recognized the man standing in front of her. Wilheim Hunter, her childhood bully. Tall, dark, and drop dead handsome, in the flesh, standing on her front porch... holding a fucking casserole!

Luna immediately and without thinking slammed the door shut in his face and clapped a hand over her mouth muttering, “oh shit...” to herself.


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