Major Vocal Series

Major Vocal Series

Author:Laeti Geroux



Major Vocal is a world famous band consisting of five people: Malachi Vance, Aviva Odell, Junior Carman, Otis Audley, and Ricky Lyon. They love everything about being a band; the fans, the music, the tours. Well, mostly everything. Following every single rule their manager sets out for them can be stressful. Being in a band isn't easy, especially at the ages they are. However, Major Vocal has been known to make it through any problem they may face together. Nothing can tear them apart. At least that's what everyone on the outside thinks. Anyone on the inside knows that it's not as easy as it seems.
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"Today, we have a very special guest," the talk show host of Live Tonight, Desmond, said while looking in the camera. "Well, I should say guests. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Major Vocal."

My four band mates and I smiled as the audience applauded and cheered. We were about to head off on tour in two weeks, our international tour, so this interview was a great way to kick it off.

"Now, we have a game planned out, but first, I want to know how excited you all are for the tour," Desmond said.

"We're really excited," the bassist, Otis Audley, said. "Not only will we be performing for our fans, but we'll be travelling the world. It's an amazing opportunity."

"More or less," I said. "I'm excited, but I'm going to be stuck with four guys." One of the downsides of being the only girl in the band. The plus side was that I always got my own room if we had less than five in our hotel room.

"Aww, you love us," my best friend and the guitarist, Malachi Vance, said.

"Most of you," I said.

"I think she's talking about you, Malachi," Ricky Lyon, the drummer, said.

"Yes, my best friend is totally hating me right now," Malachi said sarcastically.

"I know, right?" Ricky said.

"So, I think we should get started with the game," Desmond said, before telling the audience what the game was. Each of us had five pieces of paper with our names written on it. Desmond was going to ask a "Who" question, and we would see how well we knew each other by holding up the name we thought fit the best.

The best part about the game was all the questions were from our fans. I loved getting questions from them and answering it.

"The first question is Who takes the longest to get ready?" Desmond asked.

I immediately held up Ricky's name, as did Malachi. However, Ricky, Otis, and the keyboardist Junior Carman decided to hold up my name.

"I don't take the longest," I said.

"Uh, yeah, you do," Ricky said. "You're the girl, so you take forever."

"What?" Malachi asked. "No way. We're usually waiting for you to get ready, Ricky. Aviva's usually the second one finished."

"Whatever floats your boat," Ricky said.

I glared at him. I hated when people thought girls always took the longest to get ready. Trust me, Ricky was always the last one to get ready.

"The next question is Who is the bossiest?" Desmond asked.

Everyone held up Otis's name, even himself. Otis sighed and shook his head. "I'm admitting to this one," he said. "I tend to be a bit bossy at times."

"But at least you're not overwhelming," Junior offered.

"Thanks, but we all know I can be at times," Otis said.

"At least you're admitting to it," Desmond said. "Imagine if you chose a different name and everyone else chose yours. The next question is Who is always eating?"

Malachi quickly held up his own name, which made some people in the audience chuckle. The rest of us held up his name as well, but we weren't as enthusiastic about it. "I love food," Malachi said. "Especially sweets."

"Malachi, we talked about this," Ricky said. "Here, we say candy."

"I know that," he said. "Stop trying to get me to change the way I talk. I say sweets, you say candy. Leave me alone."

"Geez, you're always so cranky," Ricky said. "Next question, please."

"Alright, here is the next question," Desmond said. "Who is the quietest?"

We all held up Junior's name. "Yeah, I'm not really a talkative person," Junior said. "I'm fine with talking and being social, but sometimes, I'd rather be quiet."

"Sometimes, I wish Ricky would rather be quiet," Malachi said.

"Ouch," Ricky said.

"And the next question," Desmond said. "Who, out of anyone in the band, would you date?"

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"If you had to choose someone in the band to date, who would you choose?" Desmond asked.

"No, that's not fair," I said. "That's basically only asking me who I would choose to date. They're all going to pick me."

"No, I'm picking Malachi," Ricky said.

"Shut up," Malachi said, because we all knew that his real answer would be.

I was right. All four of the boys held up my name, but I didn't hold up any names yet. I was really hoping Desmond would let me off the hook for answering this.

"You still need to answer, Aviva," Desmond said.

"Is myself an option?" he asked and he shook his head. I sighed and began looking at all the names, only in an attempt to stall. This was not fair at all.

It was one thing I hated about being the only girl in the band. I was shipped with every single member. There was Avivachi, Otiva, Avivior, and my least favorite one, Rickiva. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't like I hated Ricky or anything. He was just a very annoying person.

"We're waiting," Desmond said. "You've got to choose an answer."

I sighed before picking up my answer and holding it in front of me.

"I'm offended," Ricky said. "I thought we had something special."

"So, Aviva, care to expand on why you chose who you did?" Desmond asked.


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