The Five-Year-Old Cultivator and His Eight Sisters

The Five-Year-Old Cultivator and His Eight Sisters


Realistic Urban

【The Cultivator's Little Mischief】 【Light-hearted Entertainment Comedy】 【Family Pet】 He lived his early life in the ‘gutter’ of society, yet he wasn't aware that he had eight unparalleled sisters. His eldest sister, reputed to be a rarity in the business world—a female tycoon. His second sister, a modern-day Mulan in the army, commanding forces on the frontier. And then there’s his third sister... ………………… Nobody knew, just how many masks this five-year-old kid wore. He was akin to a phoenix of China—the one who lightly tosses alchemy and weaponry smithing. Wang Xiaoke sighed heavily, "I don’t need my sisters’ protection." Does a cultivator need protection? I am a heavenly being, after all! Alchemy, weapon forging, traditional Chinese medicine, cultivation… "Sixth sister, would you like to try the spiritual pill I just concocted?” “Second sister, want to try the divine crossbow I made? It's even more fun than a gun." ……
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"The handsome guy/beautiful girl brain deposit center."

"Brain collection with politeness, never resell!"

Magic City, Yanbei District.

This is a city filled with charm and magic, where lights brighten the night and the air is lively.

Under a bridge shrouded in darkness.

A young boy, dressed in tattered clothes and thin as a skeleton, lies on an old quilt with only a large green coat to cover him.

From time to time, the sound of squeaking rats can be heard inside the tunnel and the roar of vehicles outside...

The dim light from the streetlamps shining on the little boy's pale face. Judging by his appearance, he seems only five or six years old but has already been homeless for a year.

A night swiftly passed, and daylight began to pour down. The little boy slowly opened his eyes, staring in a daze at his surroundings.

"What a realistic dream. How did that handsome uncle stuff so much stuff in my head?"

He dusted off his clothes and ran to wash his small face in a river nearby.

For the past few days, he has been having some extraordinary dreams, where a handsome uncle in his dreams teaches him many things.

There was calligraphy, chess, traditional Chinese medicine, musical instruments, painting... and even cultivation.

"The handsome uncle said he wanted to take me as his apprentice yesterday and taught me how to cultivate."

"Why do I learn so quickly in my dreams and remember everything so clearly?"

The little boy mumbling in a milky voice, yet his stomach growled hungrily.

He chuckled innocently, knowing it was time for him to go "work" on the street.

Returning to his den, he skillfully retrieved a small plate and a piece of paper from under the bed, and tip-toed his way out.

Early morning in Yanbei District was busy.

Small vendors were enthusiastically getting their goods ready as the volume of traffic and pedestrians hit its peak for the day.

A boy and a girl were on their way to school. The girl's name was Lin Xiaoxiao, and the boy's name was Ye Xing.

"Xiaoxiao, don't say I didn't warn you. Hurry up a bit. We're almost late for morning self-study. Don't cry if the director catches us," he said.

"Hurry what? There's still time. You're always rushing like there's no tomorrow. If you walk this fast, how can you breathe in the freshest air?" replied Lin Xiaoxiao, annoyingly. Suddenly, she stopped, her attention drawn to the vendor selling egg pancakes.

Noticing her, Ye Xing sighed helplessly before saying,

"Miss, don't eat now. Didn't we just have breakfast? Can we go to school first?"

Ignoring his comment, Lin Xiaoxiao simply grabbed his arm and dragged him toward the vendor.

However, they didn't stop at the egg pancake stand; instead, they stopped in a small open spot next to it.

'Kind brothers, sisters, uncles, and aunties, could you spare little Ke some food? Thank you.' Lin Xiaoxiao read the message on the paper silently, looking at the young boy squatting on the ground in front of her, a pang of sympathy filling her face.

The little boy had staked out his spot early in the morning, gazing with longing at the older boys and girls nearby, his heart full of anticipation.

His name was Xiao Ke. From a young age, he depended on his grandfather who made a living recycling. Every day, he would follow his grandfather around collecting bottles and cardboard boxes.

Though their life was tough, his grandfather loved him dearly.

Whenever there was something good to eat, or a toy picked up from their collections, they would give it to him.

Despite living in a decrepit house and dining on simple fare, their days were nonetheless filled with warmth.

Unfortunately, a year ago, his grandfather passed away from liver cancer.

Xiao Ke hugged his grandfather's lifeless body crying his heart out, eventually falling asleep from exhaustion.

When the police arrived the next day, they took his grandfather away.

Since then, he started his life on the streets.

A seasoned beggar observed his situation and took pity on him, telling him that begging on the streets was the only way he could get food.

Xiao Ke quickly learned the ropes from the old man, starting his "work" early every day from a tender age.

"Beautiful sister, could you give Xiao Ke something to eat?"

When Lin Xiao Xiao looked at the frail, thin boy.

His long-term malnutrition had rendered him even thinner, resembling a wilted sprout.

Yet, his eyes were full of life, the azure pupils glistened vibrantly.

"Ye Xing, shall we help him out? The poor little boy is pitiful."

Looking at Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes which were tinged with a slight redness, then shifting his gaze to the frail boy, he also felt a pang of sympathy in his heart.

He turned around to buy two pancakes and a bottle of Coca-Cola.

"Little Ke, here, eat quickly. You must be starved. Where is your family?"

After taking the food, Little Ke gave them a sweet smile.

Hearing Xiaoxiao's question that followed, he dropped his head down in sadness.

"Last year, my grandfather was taken away by the police. The officers told me he had passed away."

"I have no idea where my mom and dad are. I can't find them."

Thinking of his now absent grandfather who used to playfully amuse him, Little Ke silently shed tears, his slight body trembling visibly.

Upon seeing this, Lin Xiaoxiao sighed heavily and quickly moved to comfort Little Ke.

"Why didn't the officers send you to the orphanage? Then you wouldn't have to starve."

Between sobs, Little Ke replied.

"I want to find mom and dad. I don't...I don't want to go to the orphanage."

"I have parents. That's why I sneaked...sneaked out to look for them."

Truly unable to bear the sight, Lin Xiaoxiao pulled fifty yuan from her pocket and placed it in a plate on the ground.

"Little brother, would you like to come home with me? That way, you won't have to go hungry anymore."

Upon hearing those words, Little Ke stopped crying. With tearful eyes, he gazed blankly at Lin Xiaoxiao.

Just then, a gust of wind swept through, blowing the fifty yuan in the tray onto the road.

Little Ke quickly dashed after it, not wanting the money given to him by the kind sister to be swept away.

"Danger! Come back, Little Ke!"

Ye Xing lunged, but his hands grasped at thin air. Turning around, he saw an Audi A6 barreling down the road, headed directly for the boy.

The driver was also startled by the sudden appearance of the young boy.

In his panic, the driver slammed hard on the brakes.

A long skid mark stretched out across the street.

Thankfully, the car came to a halt half a metre from Little Ke.

Clutching the bill that had fluttered to the ground, Little Ke stared in terror at the car that was almost pressing onto his face.

The car door opened, and a chubby man, cursing and complaining, got out of the driver's seat, his eyes wide in fury.

Lin Xiaoxiao and Ye Xing rushed to Little Ke's side.

"Damn it, where did this little beggar spring from? Are you pulling a scam? Don't you have eyes? This is a street, not your playground. Do you want to get me killed?"

The fat man stepped forward, sharply kicking towards Xiao Ke.

Ye Xing quickly used his body to block this heavy kick.

With a muffled grunt, he backed up a step, but he was not angry.

"Bro, children know no better. You're an adult with greater forbearance, don't stoop to his level."

Ye Xing gaze smilingly at the fat man, while Xiao Ke beside him forcefully held back his tears.

Lin Xiaoxiao voiced her dissatisfaction.

"Why does an adult like you vent your anger on a small child? Can't you show a little sympathy? The road is wide enough. You're like a bull in a china shop, can't you see? Driving so fast..."

Upon hearing this, the fat man grew even angrier. He actually wanted to slap this nagging girl to death.

The bustling street quickly filled up with rubberneckers, thoroughly blocking the road.

"Honk, honk!"

The cars behind were stuck. A lady wearing glasses descended from a green-yellow Maserati leading the pack.

She leisurely walked towards the fat driver.

"Sir, could you please move your car? Our CEO is in a rush. If he is delayed, I believe you cannot afford the responsibility."

The lady spoke indifferently, immediately attracting the crowd's attention towards the Maserati. Whispers of astonishment could be heard in the crowd.

A limited edition Maserati, with the license plate number 11111, isn't this the Wang Corporation's car?

The Maserati Phantom, which only 500 units were issued nationwide, has a market value of tens of millions!

Get out of the way, people like us can't afford to mess with the Wang family.

Fat man tensed up inwardly, spitting a glob of phlegm on the ground.

Cursing his bad luck silently, he hurriedly got in his car to leave this place.

How could a small boss like him dare to cross the Wang family?

The woman noticed the cleared road and the boy sitting on the ground.

Seeing such a small boy begging, she also felt a pang of pity.

She walked up and handed over two hundred yuan before turning and getting back into the car.

"Xiaolian, what happened?"

In the back seat of the car, a light makeup beauty spoke.

Her work appropriate tight suit accentuated her curvy figure, and light yellow hair cascaded down.

Her fair skin and long legs were particularly eye-catching, exuding an aura of nobility even without trying.

She is Wang Siqi, the CEO of Wang's Group, and also the seventh Miss Wang.

On the job, she ended any disputes firmly and concisely. At just twenty-two years old, she instilled fear and respect in her company's staff.

"President Wang, there was a commotion just now. A little beggar was accused of scamming people; I made them clear the area," she explained.


The car started, with Wang Siqi propping one hand on her cheek, looking at the bustling streets.

Her delicate face has always been as calm as water, without ripple.

"Gao's family played this game really well. If I really fell into their trap, the company would have at least lost two hundred million, huh~"

After a cold laugh, Wang Siqi's beautiful eyes became ice-cold, radiating chill all over her body.

Want to pit her? Then be ready to lose a piece of meat.

On the other side, Lin Xiaoxiao and the other two returned to the side of the street.

"Xiao Ke, you don't know how to behave. Just stay here and wait for me to pick you up after school, okay?"

Lin Xiaoxiao instructed Xiao Ke to stay put and not to run around.

After a round of injunctions, the two hastily ran off to class, as they were about to be late.

Watching the two walk away, Xiao Ke stuck out his tongue, packed up his bowl and paper, and disappeared with two pancakes in his arms.

The auntie selling pancakes turned around to grab the ingredients, only to find that the little beggar beside her had disappeared at some point.

Under the bridge, Xiao Ke started eating his pancakes with a cheerful face.

A gulp of Coke went down, a happy smile bloomed on his face.

"I'm sorry, kind sister. I can't go home with you, I need to find my family. They must be looking for me too."

Xiao Ke talked to himself, his eyes gazing towards the horizon.

He gently caressed the blue jade pendant worn around his neck, upon which two characters were engraved —— "Xiao Ke".

Grandpa had told him, this was the only thing his parents had left him.

If his parents saw the pendant, they would be able to find him,

After breakfast, Xiao Ke sat cross-legged on the worn-out quilt. He was ready to practice the martial arts methods taught by his master.


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