Author:Marjorie Ryna



No one sleeps in a bar unless and worst of all, you don't wake up to the sight of a devilishly handsome face and the sound of the sweet crisp voice. ******** When Emma wakes up to the sight of a handsome face and voice, she didn't anticipate the night to end with her heart in a jumble of emotions for the singer Liam. Two years after, she ends up in a concert where history might as well repeat itself. Liam has found what he has been looking for and is willing to not let go this time except she comes with baggages.
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Beats, drums, guitar. Am I dreaming? Is it real? A loud bang wakes me from slumber. Loud guitars and drums welcome my ears as soon as my head moves away from the table. I quickly squint my eyes to find the source of my sleep's disruption.

When I raise my eyes to the stage, I freeze. I think I forget how to breathe too if it is even possible. Sapphire eyes, the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen meet mine. Am I still dreaming? When a smile erupts on his cute pink lips, I am obviously not dreaming.


I quickly avert my stare from him and take in my surroundings. A bar. I was sleeping in a freaking bar. I must have been so tired from all the errands and cleaning. My neighbors who are a couple look at me like I am out of my damn mind. I mean who the hell sleeps in a bar. I can't even remember what I was dreaming about.

I quickly wipe away any nonexistent drool and then that voice pierces right through my ears. I had not realised that actually someone was singing. When I raise my eyes in search for the owner of the voice, I freeze yet again. It is the same guy whose eyes met mine a while ago before I regained my senses.

I feel my heart pound when he smiles again. His smile is friendly and warm which intrigues me more. Who is he? I have never seen him around here but then I never know many people. He is still looking at me and his lips are moving. He is singing while playing the guitar.

I try to focus on what he is singing. Beautiful. His voice sounds good, crisp but good. It is the kind of record you could play all night long everyday, everywhere.

Midnight summer, I wish it never ends

I keep hoping the sun won't rise and the moon won't fall.

I still want you closer to me in my arms.

The words coming out of his mouth are sweet capturing me more into the scene of staring into his eyes and listening to his voice. I have never been a fun of music or even paid much attention to it. I literally know a few records because I am a busy person with no time for such things.

Something about this song brings a familiar feeling in my heart. I continue listening getting lost into the lyrics and his eyes. I just can't stop staring and he has not stopped too. Our eyes are glued to each other as he continues playing and in some way, I feel like the song is dedicated to me.

Too much for dreaming.


I almost jump off the seat at the loud yell. When I look up, its Jamie, the bar owner. Did she have to interrupt at such a time? I want to curse let alone groan for disrupting the best moment of my day.

"I have been trying to get your attention for minutes but you seemed so lost. Are you okay?" I was before you decided to interrupt. Why is she even asking?

"I am fine." I reply calmly before hearing a loud applaud from the crowd which only means the singer has ended his show. I look at the stage to find him still staring at me. He winks before exiting the stage and that's is when I remember I was talking to Jamie after remembering how to breathe of course.

"You have been passed out for two hours in my bar. Is that even normal?" she seems to ignore my distraction and jumps to the real deal here.

Normal? I was tired and then ordered a drink and the next thing I know is waking up to a sight of a very handsome man playing the guitar singing midnight summer.

"Earth to Emma," she breaks me out of my thoughts again.

"I am sorry Jamie. I was tired." I mutter calmly studying her hard gaze that falters. She under stands how this is not a good time for me.

"You over work yourself Emma. I just hope you can get time off and rest." That won't be happening unless I want to be late on my bills.

"I hope I could." I smile sadly.

"Okay now better get home and rest."

"And Emma, don't make it a habit to sleep in my bar." Jamie smiles.

"I won't." I smile back before she returns back to her office. I can't believe I have been passed out for that long.

I must have been like a log judging with how the bar is loud now. Jamie is right when she says I need to rest. I love that woman so much because she is the woman who helped me when I had nothing. I was new to the town. She helped me find a place to stay and jobs so I could make ends meet. I don't know what would have happened if it wasn't her.

I look down at myself to find myself in the same worn out jeans and shirt from earlier. I really need to get home and freshen up. I smell like damn fish mixed with liquor which is the worst smell in the world.

Looking around the bar once more maybe to look at that singer once more, he is no where to be found. I feel somehow disappointed that I won't get to see his face for remembrance before I leave. Sighing, I arrange my shirt before I decide to exit the bar.

"Going somewhere?"

I stop in my tracks immediately at that voice. When I turn around, I find what I have been looking for. He looks way more handsome up close. I can clearly see his eyes which mimic the colour of summer skies and his full lips stretched into a beautiful smile. I swallow hard realising how I actually look like a fool.

What was his question again?

"No..ya..I mean yes." He finds my loss of words quite amusing when he breaks in a chuckle. I am tempted to smile at how stupid I sounded.

"Liam, come back here." A girl whines from behind. He was having some fun with friends is what I take when I realise the table filled with guys and hot women. The red head whining is beautiful and hot and a perfect match for him. I shouldn't keep him long.

"You should go." I murmur. Why do I feel sad when I say that?

"I will catch up with you guys later. I have something to do first." he says before taking my hand in his and leading me out of the bar. Whoa. Didn't see that coming.

So his name is Liam like the whiny annoying woman had called him.

"You should probably go back to your friends. Your little red head friend looked like she wanted to bite my head off." I mutter as soon as we are outside the bar.

It is one of those cool summer nights here in Apollo bay. The skies look better with the full moon illuminating them.

"I don't want to join them. I want to get to know the woman who has been sleeping in a bar." I blush a little. That is an understatement with how I think my ears look. They are pink and if someone found me right now, they might think I am convulsing.

He saw me asleep. This is so embarrassing. He is smiling at my embarrassment.

"It doesn't happen often." I hope my defense works.

"Oh, does it?" he smirks.

"I mean...." I actually don't know how to explain. It is even more difficult when he finds my situation amusing.

"Don't worry your mind, it is not the weirdest thing I have ever seen." Is he saying that to make me better because it is working.

"I doubt that." I narrow my eyes at him.

"I found a guy sleeping under the park chair last week like at one." It is weird but not more weird than sleeping in a fucking bar but still, it is worthy a try.

"That makes me feel better." I find myself being pulled again by his eyes. I can't stop myself from thinking that this is even happening right now.

"I can't believe I am talking to you and I don't even know your name." he scratches the back of his neck making his black shirt clinch to his body in an attractive way. I can't imagine what the little shirt is hiding from the world.

"Emma," I murmur with a smile.

I have never been comfortable talking to strangers but Liam is making me wonder if that is even right. It is as though we have been friends for years with how it is easy to make conversation and smile. For the first time I don't feel like running from a guy.

"Liam," he smiles shaking my hand. The feeling of his hand is also good, soft and warm waking something in my body.

"Nice to meet you." I smile getting lost into his eyes for the hundredth time in a matter of minutes.

"It is my pleasure Emma."

The way my heart picks up its pace, the night is about to take a U-turn I didn't plan and I don't doubt that I am going to love every single moment of it.


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