Grieving Hearts

Grieving Hearts

Autor:Ricky Donna

En proceso


Agustin DeLuca looked at the photos infront of him, rage burning through his veins, as he watched his wife in someone else's arms. ~~~~ He was one of the most renowned businessman of the country, know for his ruthlessnes and arrogance. He prided himself for being good at reading people like an open book, he thought nothing goes unseen from his scrutinizing eyes, yet the irony, he couldn't see the truth of his own wife when innocence was written all over her face, vulnerability swirling in her doe eyes, silently begging for him to believe her. He lost everything that mattered to him two years back, because he chose to trust the wrong person, but now that he knows the truth, there is nothing he won't do to get her back, nothing. 'Get ready Onika DeLuca , I am coming,' he said to himself, determination shining in his orbs, holding a dark promise. ~~~~ "I promise you, the face I remember before dying will be yours, the last thing I will wish to see will be you, whether it is today, tomorrow or fifty years from now.It will always be you, Onika". -Agustin DeLuca.


  ~~Grief only exists where love lived once~~

  Onika's Pov....

  Today I woke up in the middle of night with a jerk. I was sweating profusely. My palms were a bit shaky with the aftereffect of the nightmare. I heard Alex crying loudly, it was then I realized I had screamed hard, hard enough to wake him up from his peaceful slumber like countless other nights.

  I immediately took Alex on my lap to soothe him, it took me nearly half an hour to calm him down and assure him that everything is all right, before he finally fell asleep clutching my fingers tightly as if expecting someone to come and snatch him away from me. Even the thought of it made me shiver in terror.

  I tried to console myself, to calm myself. But deep down I know, when Agustin finds me he will make my life hell again.

  'Right at this moment I hate you the most Agustin, more than I have ever done before. I hate you with every fibre of my being.

  Fucking stop torturing my child as well. You motherfucking bastard.'

  But what's more, I hate myself as well for being such a weakling. I never anticipated that it would be this hard to get you out of my mind even after running away. I am miles away from you but you still haunt my mind, day and night.

  But, not my child, please not my child. I am scaring Alex as well, and this is killing me.

  With every breath I take, I bleed.

  With every second that passes something within me dies.

  You will never be forgiven for this Agustin, I vowed.


  Onika's POV...

  I woke up as the ray of sunlight fell on my eyelids. Opening my eyes gingery I looked at Alex still sleeping peacefully.

  I breathed in relief.

  Fortunately, today was one among those days when I don't wake him up in the middle of the night due to my constant screaming.

  He isn't my own child. I found him crying on the streets the day I run away from Agustin. He was such a small thing crying as if he hasn't had any food in days. How can someone throw such a small child away? He must have been just an year old at that time. Now, it has been 2 years since we are together.... Since I ran away from him.

  I still remember that day clearly. The day I decided to die and I would have done so if not for Alex. After I saw Alex, crying there I decided I am not going to give up my life away for a scumbag like Agustin DeLuca.

  Better live your life for someone who needs you than to end it for someone who isn't gonna even spare a second to think about you. That monster have had all my happiness he is not going to have my life, not again.

  Currently I am working as the PA of Theodore Blake, the CEO of Blake Corporation.

  I think my boss has hots for me.....little does he know I am done being involved with anyone for good.

  After feeding my baby boy and handing him over to his nanny, I got ready for the day and left for my office.

  I was sitting in my office since past two hours going through the files when my phone rang. "Hello, Miss Onika, in my cabin, right now." My boss ordered.

  "Yes sir. " I said, like a programmed robot and headed towards my destination.

  I sighed and mentally prepared myself for another of his useless approaches. It's like a daily routine now. Why can't he get used to the fact that I don't want him?

  Sighing, I knocked at his cabin door.

  "May I come in, Sir?" I asked.

  "Yes" he said in his authoritative voice.

  I got in and greeted him,"Good, morning Sir. How may I help you?"

  He eyed me, his dark eyes boring right though mine, for a few seconds before answering.

  "Miss. Onika, have you went through Mr. Watson's file? I want all the details on my table in an hour and make sure to arrange a meeting with the Mr. Lawrence ASAP."

  "Yes Sir. Anything else?" I asked immidiatly, praying he will dismiss me but luck wasn't on my side. As always.

  "Yes actually. I have to ask you for a favour." And there we go. "And what would that be, Sir?" I asked exasperated.

  "Today is my brother's marriage ceremony." He said, as if it explains everything.

  "Oh congratulations​ Sir, but I don't see how can I help you with that?" I asked, frowning my brows in confusion.

  "Actually, all employees are invited, it is one of the most prestigious ceremony of the city and there is a theme for the party and every one has to be with their partners. So, I was wondering..if..I mean..I would like you to be my partner." " he paused and added, "not that I don't have girls approaching me every now and then."

  'I am sure girls are roaming all around you for all the money and looks you have got.'I rolled my eyes internally.

  I wanted to throw an acrid comment at the open display of his arrogance but right now this job is very important to me as I have a child to feed, and it's a well paid job in the most renowned company. The best that there is, so I can't afford to piss him off and risk the job.

  So instead I said "I'm really​ flattered Sir, but actually umm...As you know I have Alex waiting at home for me so I don't think I can make it." He was about to say something but I beat him to that and said with a sweet smile.

  "And I am sure one of the girls approaching you will be very thrilled to have the opportunity." There, there, I did it.

  As soon as I said that, I could see anger blazing in his eyes. Shit.

  "Oh, yes of course, you have a child to take care of and I am sure for that you sure as will need this job, for that matter any job and you know what Miss. Onika, making an enemy out of me in this scenario sounds really stupid to me, and for a fact I know you are not stupid or you wouldn't be here working as my PA"

  He said the last part in a mocking voice, making my blood boil in sheer anger. He was directly blackmailing me, something he had never did before. And to make the matter worse an arrogant grin was plastered on his lips, but behind that grin I could read his irritation. It was a warning, he was running out of patience. He have had enough, but the thing is so had I.

  How much I want to slap him and wipe that smile from his face but I know I can't do that after all, he is right he indeed has all the power here.

  So as always I swallowed my anger. It seems now that is all I am good at.

  "I don't have all day Miss. Onika, so answer fast" He pulled me out of my thoughts.

  'I don't think I have a choice', I mumbled lowly.

  "Sorry, I couldn't hear you," he outstretched his ears, mocking me even further.

  Crushing my pride, I answered, this time in a firm voice "okay Sir, I am ready"

  He gave me a sinister smile and said, "Good that we have an understanding. I will be waiting outside your apartment at 9 O'clock, you better be ready by then."

  "Ok Sir, but I have a request." I said hurriedly.

  "And what would that be?" he raised one brow at me.

  "Um..I need to to be back by 11, Alex is not used to sleeping without me."

  "Luck boy." He mumbled beneath his breath, I almost missed it. Almost.

  "Okay, I will drop you before 11." He agreed a bit reluctantly.

  "Thank you sir. Now, may I leave?"

  "Yes, you may." He said in his same arrogant tone, taunting at me.

  "Unbelievable." I muttered to myself and slammed the door, hard.



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