The Girl Name Hope-Danielle M

The Girl Name Hope-Danielle M

Autor:Danielle Martin

En proceso


I just want everyone to understand me. my dreams have been ripped away from me. I was about to be a pro soccer player but now I'm in a wheelchair because of a boy that was bullying my friend. Will hope ever walk again or will she give up?

My name is Hope Anderson, today is my first day of college. Today I hope the day goes well, and I make friends. I am happy to learn how to do what I love and that is helping others. I went to my dorm room and found out I have a roommate. Her name is Danielle Parker. She seems nice, but I do not want to talk too soon. Some people switch to being bitchy, and I do not know if she is like that.

Hi, my name is Hope Anderson. What is your name? Hi, my name is Danielle Parker. It is nice to meet you, Hope.Nice to meet you too Danielle. Hey, do you need help unpacking?

Yes, thank you for helping me unpack.Would you like to come with me to meet the others? Um sure I am scared they might not like me.

Hope they would love you just be yourself okay?Okay, what are their names? I will let them tell you. Hello, my love.Hi Danielle, who is that you got with you? Everyone, this is my new favorite best friend Hope Anderson.

Hope these lovely folks are my friends and those 2 over there are my twin brothers.

Hi, I am David and this is my sister Amy.

Nice to meet you. Hi, my name is Chris, and this is my girlfriend Shay. Nice to meet you.

Hi, my name is Bryan, and this is my twin brother Brent. We are Danielle's twin Brothers. Nice to meet you all.

Thank you for having me.As you know my name is Hope Anderson, I have a twin brother named Sean Anderson.When can we meet him?He doesn't go to this school, but he will be coming to visit this summer. Awesome, can we meet him then? I must ask him.I am quite sure he would love to meet you all.

My phone started ringing. I looked to see who was calling it Sean Hey Sean, how are you doing today? Hey, my beautiful sister, I am good. I can't wait to see you this weekend.

Me too, I have some friends that want to meet you. Is that so? Are they nice to you, Hope? Yes, they are being nice, you will see when you come bro.

How is the class going? Good.I got to work with kids that have special needs.They were so cute.That is awesome, Hope, I am so proud of you.How's mom doing? Mom is doing okay.She is just working so hard that I think she needs a break from work.I know Sean, hopefully the hospital let her have a good long vacation time.Yeah, she deserves it more than anything."I can't wait to see you bro.

Give mom a hug and kiss, for me. I will, see you soon sis. After I got off the phone with my brother I went to get into the shower and then get ready to leave for class.Hey Danielle, hey Hope, how are you doing

today? I am good, what class do you have?I have math and history.Same here but first let us go eat. I need my caffeine and food. me too.We went to the café down the street, and we saw Bryan and Brent.

Hey Brent, hi Bryan. Hey girls, what are you up to today? Nothing more class than work at the daycare. Nice.Hope your brother is still coming this weekend, right? Yes, why? Well, the guys want to get together and hang out with him and get to know him. I let him know. Okay, have a good day girl. you too. Danielle and I sat down and ate our food and drank our coffees and paid the bill. Now on to class.

When we got to class there were two guys, they were good—looking, but they were mean.

Danielle told me to keep walking, but there was a girl, and she was special. I went to help her out. Hey, leave her alone.Why don't you mind your business? She is my business now, leave her alone. What are you going to do about it if I don't? I will kick your ass. Hmm, I doubt that sweetie.I am not your sweetie so don't call me that. Leave her alone and we will leave. What if I do not.

Then he cornered me with his friends.They beat me black and blue and the girl ran for help. This was where my life changed. I laid in my own blood barely couldn't move. I heard voices Hope to stay with me.I am sorry for everything.I called Hope's brother. Hello Sean Anderson.This is Hope's friend Danielle.

I am sorry to tell you this, but your sister got brutally beaten by guys at school today.

She is on her way to the hospital. Thank you for letting me know.Me and our mom will be there asap. Okay bye.Mom we must go, Hope is in the hospital. What happened? Hope was helping a special needs girl and got jumped by the guy's that she saved the girl from.

The girl ran for help.Hope's friend Danielle just called me on the way to the hospital as we spoke.

Mom, she is going to be okay. She will pull through this, and she will come home and do online classes to finish college. She is not going to be the same girl anymore.This will change her life, not in a good way. My baby girl's shine has been broken.I will go to her school and kick the guy's ass that did this to my sister.

She did not deserve this at all.

We made it to the hospital mom, and I was greeted by a girl.Hi, I am Danielle, please follow me.They just pulled in with hope.

I am so sorry I tried to help her the best I could do.Thank you, Danielle.Hey Danielle, can you please take me to the guys that did this? Yeah, follow me there at the same spot they beat her at. Hey, fuckers, which one of you nearly killed my sister.

I did, and I will do it again when I see her.

You will never put your fucking hands on my sister again. Who is going to stop me?

Do you know who I am? No, and I don't care. You will because you just fucked with the wrong family. Oh, yeah what are you going to do about it? Sleep with one eye open because I am coming for you.You better pray my sister pulls through because if she doesn't say goodbye to your family.

I walked away and headed back to the hospital to check up on Hope. Mom, how is she doing? She is touching and goes.The doctor said she would be able to make a recovery.Thank you, Danielle. You are an incredibly good friend to my sister.You're welcome hope is like a sister I never had.

I hope she pulls through.Hope is strong and she will make it. That she is. I gave her a small smile and walked up to Hope.

Hope hey sis please come back to me.I need my twin sister. You must fight and fight hard. Mom is here and she is worried sick about you. Your friends are here and we all need you, Hope. Today I went to see Hope hoping she would be awake, but the doctor said she has not woken up yet. I know Hope is not going to be happy with me because I took her out of college and made her do an online class to finish college. I cannot lose my twin sister like this again. Later today mom came to check on Hope. How is she doing?

They said she is healing well, but they do not know why she is not awake yet. Mom nods Hope sweetie you have to wake for Mom I miss you and worried sick about you, I cannot lose my baby. Mom turned away and started crying. Sean calls me when she wakes up.

I cannot handle seeing her like this. I will, mom, she will be okay. Mom just has hope she comes back to us.Mom nods and walks away. I sat in the chair next to Hope's bed.

I held her hand and I prayed that she would come back to us. I must have fallen asleep because I was woken up to my sister talking to her friends. Hi, sleepyhead. OMG, sis you're awake I missed you so much.I'm going to call mom to let her know you are awake.

Okay, Sean, I am fine. I know you took me out of college and got me into online classes to finish college.I'm not mad. "I'm glad you did it.

I just want to do what was right by you sis I cannot lose my twin sister now, can I? Nope, we cannot have that.I cannot wait to go home and work with you and the kids. Me too,"The kids have been asking for you, They made you get well soon cards for you too. Aww, tell them I am doing good. I will be home soon.

Hope they will be happy to see you again. Me too, they are my hope and light. Hope fell asleep. I sit here and wait for mom to come to see Hope. She is worried about mom. When I said that mom came to the door.

Hope baby you are awake God thank you for bringing my baby girl back.Hey baby girl, how are you feeling? I'm okay mom you can't get rid of me that fast lol. Aww, mom, I'm okay, I am alive. I can't wait to get home in my own bed. Hope went back to sleep, and I went home to rest myself. I got into the shower and then went to bed. Today was a long day, but I am happy my sister is going to be okay. I drifted off to sleep. Today I got to go home and the rest of course my brother and mom took me out of college but at least I can take online classes. I'm happy about that because I know if I go back, he will kill me.

Today I did my first day of therapy. It went well but I am still in pain. I am scared to go in public because I think he is following me. My depression has gotten worse the last couple of days. All I can think about is me dying, but I must be strong and beat this battle. It isn't easy, but I always think about the kids that I work with.They are like my hope and I am theirs. I owe them that much. My phone started ringing. I looked at my phone. I do not know the number, so I let it ring until Sean and mom got home. Hope I'm home! I'm in the computer room. I heard Sean coming,

hey bro I missed you.Hey kiddo, how was your day? It was good until a weird number called me. I just let it ring through. Hope how long you have been getting weird calls? Since that day I almost died. Hope why didn't you tell me or mom? I did not want to worry you both. Sis, we need to talk. Did mom ever tell you about dad? No, why? Sweetheart, I think dad had something to do with this, and I don't think he knows we are his kids.But why would he want to hurt us? I think mom owes him money and not realizing who we are.

Hope the next time someone calls you with a number you do not know, answer it okay?

Okay, how was work? It was good Jasper was asking about you.Awe tell Jasper I said hi. I will lol. The kids love you and keep fighting for them. Everything will be okay sis.Sean and hope I am home! We are in the computer room Mom. We heard Mom, and we asked her if she owed anyone money. Mom Hope has been getting weird calls. I think it's dad, But I do not think he knows we are his kids.

I think it is time for you two to know the truth.

What do you mean? When I was pregnant with both of you, Your dad is already gone,

I did not get to tell him. Why didn't you tell him at all that is why I almost died? No, we do not know who did this.Well, I will call this number back and see who it was. Sis let us call together okay bro. The phone rang and someone answered it sounded like a guy's voice then heard the same voice of the guy that almost killed me. Hello, who is this?

Hello someone from this number keeps calling me.I heard the guy that almost killed me. " He said, '' Hope, how is your life now?

Leave me alone you monster you almost killed me. Wait, what is your name? Hope Anderson. Are you in any way related to Heather Anderson? Yes, I am her daughter and I have a twin brother named Sean Anderson. Oh my God, you're telling me you are my kids? Yes, we were trying to find out who this number belongs to.It's my number; my name is Jamie Anderson.I used to be married to your mom. We would love to see you and get to know you, But please leave that monster he ruined my life.

What did he do to you? He almost killed me.I can't walk.I go to therapy every day because of him I have chronic depression and all I can think of is killing myself. I will deal with him. I'm so sorry you have to go through this because of him.My mom and Sean want to talk to you. Okay, hello my name is Sean Anderson I am Hope's twin brother. Hello Sean, I am Jamie Anderson. I am so sorry I didn't know I had kids. Why didn't you call mom? I tried but she would not answer and if she did not answer her friend may do and tell me to go to hell.

I heard your mother had kids, but I never knew they were mine. We would love to get to know you, But please do not bring the monster that ruined my sister for saving another person's life. Wait, what do you mean by saving another person's life? Ask the monster. Chase, what did you do to my daughter? She was in my way,And she was going to class.I was beating a girl that was in special need and Hope came to help her so instead of finishing the girl I was beating up Hope nearly to death.You are an asshole.

That was my daughter you put my through hell now she cannot walk because of you.

So not my problem, yes, it is, and I will show you how it feels to not be able to walk. You can't touch me because I will tell my dad and I will tell him what you did.Go ahead, he is not going to believe you anyway.We will see about that.Sean, I will take care of chase.Thanks well here, my mom.Hello Jamie, how are you doing? Hi heather, I am good you?I am good just been working hard taking care of Hope and Sean helps too.

Why didn't you tell me about the kids? I was going to but when I found out you left, I was too late, so I took care of them and I told them

about you.I didn't want to be a bother to you,So, I kept quiet until what happened to Hope.Then hope was getting calls from this number. I'm so sorry about what happened to Hope I will tell his father. Who is the chase father? Jake is his father. Wow, I never saw that coming. Yeah, you and me both. Heather, I want to be in their life.That isn't up to me, they are only 20 years old now they are grown.I know they look just like you.

We'll come by sometime tomorrow and get to know them.I must go.Hope needs help getting into the shower. Okay, I see you tomorrow Heather.Good night Jamie good night Heather.


Hi my name is Jen I'm new to the school. I'm known to get bullied a lot because I'm different. I have low self—esteem and a short leg and arm. People think it's funny because I look like a freak of nature, But today I hope it will be a good day and I can make some friends. My first class is almost over.

I can't wait because people keep staring at me and whispering about me and I don't like it. Finally, the bell rings for my next class which I love. While walking to my class I saw a beautiful girl that had a soccer uniform on. I love soccer, it's my favorite sport. I made it to class and once again stared at and whispered about. Why can't this day be over with? I keep drawing and finally the bell rings at lunch time. I head to my locker to get my lunch.

Everything was fine until these boys started attacking a girl that was screaming for help and nobody helped her. I ran to help the girl and told her to get help and to get checked. She said thank you for saving her so many times.I walked up to them and said pick on somebody your own size.They looked at me Like fresh meat. I knew what was coming next.

Someone punched me and someone else pulled my hair and I screamed for help and everyone kept walking but one person was the girl I saw earlier today in the soccer uniform. I screamed again for help. The girl came running to help me. HEY LEAVE HER ALONE ASSHOLES!!! What are you going to do about it bitch? I kick your ass. Didn't your mother teach you not to hit females?

Are you okay honey? Y yes thank you for saving me. My name is Hope and this is my best friend Danielle. Let's get you to the nurse and I come back to get your stuff okay? Okay. We made it to the nurse station and Hope told her what happened. OMG what happened to you? I was being bullied by a group of boys when I was getting my lunch from my locker. I'm so sorry sweetie I cleaned you up in a jiffy. She was so nice to me.

Then Hope came to me and said I'm a head to get your stuff.I'll bring it to you after my class, okay? Okay. Then she left. Hey bitch where's that freak of nature ? Leave her alone to chase. She's new and didn't do anything to you. How about I mess with you then? Back up, don't you touch me. What are you going to do about it? I scream, go ahead make it better scream my name.

NO NO NO LET ME GO!!!"yeah baby just like mmm you feeling so good. LET ME GO!! HELP ME PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME LET ME GO!!! Mmm Yes fight me baby make me want more. After he was done raping me he beat me nearly to my death. Hey, have you seen Hope? No, she was supposed to come back with my stuff after her class. Okay. Hey shay have you seen Hope?Last I saw her go to the bathroom. Okay thanks.

I walked to check the bathroom when I turned the corner I screamed Hope was on the ground and blood everywhere. I ran out of the bathroom and saw my friends. They saw me covered in Hope's blood.

Danielle what the hell happened to you? Not my blood. I was trying to stop the bleeding. Hope is hurt badly. I need help to stop the bleeding. Jen goes to call for help and tells them we are in the girls bathroom. Okay I'm back. On their way I stand outside and wait for them. Okay.

I called Hope's brother and let him know we were on our way to the hospital with Hope. Danielle: Hello, is this Hope's brother?Sean: yes what's going on Danielle: Hope is on the way to the hospital she was hurt badly and raped I'm so sorrySean: I'm on my way thank you for calling me Danielle. When I got there I saw Danielle crying and covered in Hope's blood. Danielle yes hello come with me I take you to the floor she's on.

What happened? Someone named Chase was bullying a girl named Jen. She's new at our school and Hope heard her screaming for help so Hope saved her. We took her to the nurse station and hope told Jen she was going to get her stuff and bring it to her when her class was over. I went looking for Hope because we always eat lunch together but I didn't see her so I got worried.I asked Jen if she had seen Hope she said no and I saw my friend shay I asked her if she saw and she said the bathroom.

When I entered the bathroom I saw nothing but blood everywhere and Hope on the ground barely breathing. Can you take me to this chase person? "Yes" when we left he was in the same spot where he hurt Hope and he was laughing.Okay let's go. Mom, I will be back. Where are you going Sean ? beat a bitch just like he did my sister.We made it to the school and come to find out l knew who Chase was.

You mutherfuck you hurt my sister. Yeah I did and I will do it again.Not if I kill you first asshole. I shoot him in the arm and his hand. That's just a warning to stay away from my sister because next time it will be a bullet in your head. Then we left and went back to the hospital with my mom. Mom, what did they say?

She was badly raped and beaten. She can't breathe by herself.She needs help to breathe.Her legs are broken and she might not be able to walk.


Today I am going to see my kids and try to get Heather back in my life.I missed her so much. I blame my job. After all, I had to go undercover that changed my life because I didn't know my kids. I hope they give me a chance to explain the true reason why I left like I did. When I heard Lisa said Heather was pregnant, I thought she moved on, but I was so wrong. When I heard Chase say he beat a girl nearly to death at school I hoped and prayed that it wasn't one of my kids, but it was,and she was beaten so badly I did not recognize her at all. Then I saw my niece Danielle.

I asked her why she was here. Hey Danielle, are you okay? What are you doing here?

My friend was saving a girl that was getting bullied because she was special. My friend didn't like it, so she went to help her, and Chase beat my friend nearly to death.

What's your friend's name? Hope Anderson.

When I heard my last name there was only one person that I left behind, Heather Anderson. She had kids and they were my kids.

I am so sorry Heather. I went outside for some air because I can't believe she kept my last name all these years. I hate that I lost so much because of my job because nobody else wanted the mission. I lost the love of my life because of my job. I can't say no I lost so much time, but I will make things right. I will have my family back. Hey Jake, your son almost killed my daughter. What did he do?

Wait, you have kids? Yes, they are twins, a boy, and a girl. By whom? Heather Anderson, she tried to tell me, but I was never around.

everytime I called her friend, May would answer and tell me to go to hell. My daughter can't walk because of your son.She said he keeps calling her and threatening her. I'm so sorry about him for some reason he became a major dick to females. I don't know what to do with him anymore.

I'm heading out to meet my kids and try to make things right with Heather. Okay tell Heather I said hi, and I am so sorry. I will just call you while I am there. That would be awesome, it has been forever since we all talked. I know it would be good to see her and talk to her. I got into my car and stopped to get flowers for Heather and Hope, and I got Sean some beer since I do not know what he may like. I made my way to Heather's, and I am nervous as hell because I have not seen her since yesterday, and then I found out I am a father of twins.

Its a lot to take in, but I will make things right and explain why I left. To be honest, my job was dangerous, and I didn't want anything to happen to Heather. I left it hurt more than anything because Heather was my everything. I made it to Heather's place. I was nervous if the kids let me in their lives.

I guess after I explain why I left like I did, maybe my honesty helps me some.

I didn't want to leave, but I had to due to my job, and it was not easy on me not knowing I had a family. My life is about to change for the better and right now my job doesn't need me to work. They want me to lie low right now because they don't want nobody to find out I was undercover. I took this time to get to know

my family and work on what is more important to me. I walked up to the door and knocked. I heard footsteps and the door opened. Hi, my name is Jamie Anderson.

Is Heather Anderson here?Yes, she is here.

Come in and have a seat.I let her know you are here. Okay, no rush. The boy came back but not alone. He was not alone. He had a girl in his arms that needed help with her wheelchair. That must be Hope, it broke my heart that she had to suffer because Chase had to beat another girl up and hope saved her and took her spot and nearly died. Hope wheeled herself to me and said hi my name is hope.Hi, hope my name is Jamie Anderson."

I heard a sweet angel voice say,

Jamie,Heather, Wow it has been forever, how are you doing? I am doing well. I see you met your twins.Yes, you did a great job with them.

Thank you.I wish you were there to help me raise them instead of me doing it on my own.

I know and that is what I want to tell why I left like I did. Jamie, I want to know why, so I can understand that it was not me.I will heather.

I hope we can get to know each other and start over but this time I am not leaving.I would love that too. The reason I left it was not because of your heather. I was an undercover cop and my boss told me I had to leave my loved ones behind for a couple of years. I didn't want to leave you like that, but I didn't want you wasting your time waiting for me to come back. When I came back I went to your mom and dad to see if you were still living there, but they said you moved to Neptune, New Jersey. Then I heard about the fight that almost killed hope from my cousin's daughter Danielle Parker because she was at the hospital I was at.

I went to check if she was okay because I was there with my partner, and he got shot on site.

That is when I found out about you and the kids.Are you the guy that talked on the phone? Yes, I told you I would take care of the chase. Mother, is Jamie our dad? Yes sweetie Jamie is yours and Sean's dad.

Jamie, how long have you been in town? Well, I live here with my two best friends.You mean Jake and chance yeah and no not the boy that hurt our daughter that will be Jake's son he has been doing everything he can to get that boy's help.

By the way, Jake and Chance want to talk to you while I am here if that is okay? Sure, after all, it has been forever since we all talked. That is true it would be nice to get the group back together. Yeah, that would be nice living down the street from me. How is she doing? I know she kept telling me to go to hell every time I called looking for you. Lol, that damn may I love her. She is doing well. She got married to the CEO at the hospital I work at.

Nice, I am happy for her. Why didn't you move on from me? Because I knew you would come back to me. Thank you for not moving on and waiting on me. Let us call these nutcases okay. The phone rings. Hello assholes, look who we got here? Heather, is that you the popular nerd from high school? Jake and chance

has been a long time.Yes, it has, I heard you had twins.Yes, I did. Would you like to meet them? Yes, please. Hi, my name hope. Hi sweetheart my name is Jake.

I am sorry for what my son did to you.He took my legs from me.I cannot walk but the Dr said one day I might walk again. it would be good, I heard you play soccer. Yes, I used to but my chances to go pro went out the window. Wait, you would have been a pro player if my son didn't take your legs? Yes, it was my dream and was about to come true, but now it's gone it broke my heart and made me feel like I did all that work for nothing.

Me and my best friends put in work all night for me to get scouted, but I won't be on the field thanks to your son. I am so sorry he did this to you after all that work you and your friends did to get you ready for the scouts. It is okay. I must be strong and move on to the next dream to come true. You are so strong and positive. I must be, or I will not be around anymore. What do you mean sweetheart? Suicide became my new best friend but so far, I am still here. I must think about my mom and my brother Sean.

Well, it is nice meeting you Jake and I must go rest now. Okay, it is nice meeting you sweetheart.Hello, my name is Sean. What's up man you taking care of hope? Yes, she is my twin and I will never leave her side again.

I'm sorry to hear what happened to her. I wish I could take her pain. We all do, but now she is lost and only the kids I work with keep her fighting. They are her hope like she was theirs. Anyways your son will pay for what he did to my sister.

I understand that I can't help him anymore.

Do I have your permission to do whatever I like to your son? I will not kill. I'm just going to show him a lesson about what it feels like to be my sister that might not walk again.Yes, you do, and maybe he learns to be nice to females.Yeah because my sister did not deserve this at all. Well, it was nice to meet you both. Hopefully we all can hang out one day.

That would be awesome for us to get together like old—time heather.That would be fun, let me run it by May.I'm quite sure she misses you both too.Okay just let us know when you are off work, and we all hang out at a park or something. Okay but what about Hope we can't leave her behind? I will never leave her. That is why I said a park or something, so we can help her walk again, that is a good idea. Maybe being around family just might be the push she needs, what do you think Jamie? Let us give it a try. Let us start with her friends and then family.

Okay let us try it, but I will let you know when Sean is off all this week and next week since he is his boss. Okay, girlie see you later, okay Jake, and chance later. Well, heather, I would love to be a part of your life and the kids too. I want you back home dad.When will you be home again? It's up to your mom if she wants me in your lives again. What do you say heather? Can I come to my long—lost family and never leave again? Welcome home baby, I missed you so much. Please never leave us again.I promise love to you all.You all are stuck with me for life.I like the sound of that.

Then we all went to bed.


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