Breaking The Cage

Breaking The Cage

Autor:Amanda Pearson



Colby makes a move on his decision between his family or Chloe and her friends, Jason seems to be quite close to Chloe and he has his suspicions. Chloe wants out of the gang she has made, but how does she back out of a war after it had already begun? Both Chloe and Colby had been fighting for their lives together but what happens when all their plans derail from the war that had been started? Hayley fighting to stay relevant now that Colby is back, and Jasper is making the biggest sacrifice, does he go undercover to unravel the secrets of their family, or does he lie to Colby, and stay true to Alistair to be the families gem, to get what he always wanted, and become Golden knives next leader? read now to find out!

  Colby's P.O.V 

  I held Chloe's hand as the men in front of me acted like children.

  This Jason guy seems to care a lot of whatever went on, and Hayden doesn't seem to care enough.

  My question is what was so important that we couldn't go back and get changed, I feel disgusting in the blood and grime of these clothes.

  "Wait Colby, as in…" Jason trailed off.

  Hayden ended up dropping his cigarette from his mouth.

  "Sh-shit," Hayden said, quickly picking it up.

  "Dude, try not to burn down my deck will you," Jason said rolling his eyes.

  I feel like everyone is repeating each other.

  "Yes I'm Colby, the father of Chloe's twins." I said being territorial and wrapping my arms around Chloe's waist.

  "Twins?" Jason yelled looking back at Chloe.

  Hayden dropped his cigarette again and I sighed in irritation.

  "Surprise," Chloe said with jazz hands.

  "They didn't know?" I asked looking at Chloe.

  She shook her head.

  "We just found out today," Hayley piped up walking behind us.

  "Okay, guys what's the problem, that we had to come right away?" Hayley asked Jason after passing him, his drink we had gotten on the way here.

  Jason gestured to us to follow him and took sips of his drink and we all went into the garage. 

  The floor was covered with blood and a man was chained up in the back, his face was so swollen I could barely tell who he was, except for the eyes.

  "Jasper?" I said breathlessly.

  "C-Colby?" The near Corpse whined out.

  I turned to face Chloe and the others.

  "What the hell is going on here?" I asked angrily. 

  They all looked at each other yet said nothing.

  "Answer me," I boomed out, Chloe shied away.

  Hayden stood his ground.

  "I did this for Chloe, I couldn't stand those bastards anymore so I took action.

  "Hayden why, I just wanted to get back at Lucey." Chloe spoke, stuttering.

  "Don't bull shit me Chloe, we all know you wanted to get back at them as much as possible I just did for you." Hayden said, rolling his eyes.

  "No, you just made more work for us, they are looking for Lucey's killer and you kidnapped another one of them, you're going to get us caught.

  "Unchain him," I ordered.

  "Wait, what? No way!" Hayden replied.

  I looked at Chloe to agree with me.

  "Let him down Hayden." Chloe said softly.

  I walked past all of them and took Chloe by the wrist and pulled her out of the Garage.

  "Ow Colby easy," Chloe whispered, once we were outside I turned towards her.

  "What the hell are you running here Chloe," I asked.

  Chloe's P.O.V 

  "Nothing," I lied, as I stuttered.

  "Don't lie to me, that was a test, what exactly were you planning, to kill my family, then what are you going to do about the others?" He asked me all kinds of questions he had me by the shoulders shaking me, his eyes wild.

  "I don't know, I don't know, I don't…" I broke down and fell against his chest. He took a hollow breath and placed his hand on my lower back.

  "Listen, I know your under a lot of stress and from what Hayley said about staying away from stressors, she's right. You cant involve yourself with this." He said as he rubbed the back of my head gently, I sniffled into his chest.

  "This is all my fault, they didn't involve me in this, it was the other way around. I was so scared I had nightmares for months and they still haven't went away, you died in my arms and everyone blamed me." I cried hysterically. 

  Suddenly someone hit Colby from behind, I screamed out of shock jumping away, Colby got up and turned around to face Jason.

  "What the hell are you doing," Colby asked screaming at jason.

  "You made her cry, do you have any idea what she has been through, how much she hasn't slept, and when she did all she had were nightmares, do you have any idea how many times she just sat by your side and cried wondering when the hell you were going to wake up?" Colby put his arms down, limp and they both stood there in the parking lot, Colby began to shake, I got worried so I placed a hand on his back.

  "Colby, are you okay?" I asked worried. 

  He turned around and pulled me into him with such force I fell into him, he was crying. His hands tangled into my long dark hair holding my head to his shoulder.

  We all were silent except for Colbys crying, Jason shook off his hand.

  "Damn he has a hard face," Jason joked, then sighed realizing he might have gone too far.

  "I'm sorry, I just couldn't take her crying after you were finally back to her, she loves you really I've never seen anything like it, it was like she was dying on the inside, we all saw it but there was nothing we could do about it except pray you'd wake up." Jason said his eyes glossy from tears building up, before going back inside.

  "I'm so sorry," he repeated in a whisper I held him close, he was scared and worried, I knew starting this was a mistake but I didn't care about what they got if not more.

  I hated Allistair, everything about the drunk bastard made me feel ill, he himself nearly killed Colby, nearly killed me, and nearly killed Carolynn and her unborn baby; Alistair's baby without any remorse.

  I hated Carolynn for giving up to try and get away, I hated her for putting me in the same horrible situation she had been in.

  But I loved them for giving me Colby.

  Whatever is decided next I will follow him through.

  I'm worried it will blow up in our faces, it's a dangerous game that we are playing, and all it ends with is death.


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