Book of Cosmos

Book of Cosmos




Is one life , one scenario or even one planet enough to fathom the secrets of life ?! Cursed by a mysterious book .. can it be a curse in disguise for him ?! Life .. Death .. Love .. hate .. Loyalty .. Betrayal .. White , Black and even Grey ... Here is the story of the man who chose to go through unlimited worlds seeking for his goal .. His goal of ETERNAL PEACE .. Life mainly depends on our choices afterall ...

       It's midnight .. A sixty-three year old man lying on his bed , on the verge of death .. The loud sound of the clock hands declares the emptiness of this big mansion .. The reason that makes him annoyed isn't the noise of The clock hands; but it's the fact that he finds them as if they were screaming "you are alone .. You are lonely .. Your heart is like this mansion; big but empty .. Nobody is here for you" ...

       After a long life full of memories .. Sometimes lovely , sometimes cruel .. "Is this really my end?! .. Am I going to die like this?! .. Am I going to meet my god?! .. I used to think that if my death moment came , I would hope to have an immortal life but now I guess I'm satisfied ; I no longer have anyone to stay for and I don't want to see myself losing my beloved ones again .. perhaps I could have been able to protect them then , but I don't want the thoughts of regret to devour me at my final moment ..."

       "I guess I had my fair share of life experience and wisdom .. Life isn't about getting more; It's about desiring less .. Real happiness is the ability to see beauty in little precious things .. However, There is still that part of me that thinks if I could go back , I'd do what I should have done from the start ..." .. The need for sleep beat him .. He didn't know if it were his daily short sleep or it would be his final everlasting sleep ...

       It's 3 A.M .. Heavy rain , Loud thunder , windowes opened and the cold wind .. All of them woke him up .. A strange book surrounded with fireflies was flying over him .. Instinctly , He caught the book which had a very ancient but also looking new cover at the same time .. The pages were heavy and too blurr to be read except for the first page which had the author name on it {THE DARK NECROMANCER} .. As soon as he had said the name loudly , The next page content became clear ...

       “Hi there .. Do you want to go back?! .. Can't You find peace in your final moments?! .. Is there a fierce monster inside you scratching your soul walls wishing to go outside to revenge?! .. oh , sorry , where are my manners .. I'm the dark necromancer ,  a mage , the author of this book and the only one who can help you .. Although you don't know me , I know you very well even better than you know your self .. I can make you go back to your beloved ones in condition that you only finish the stories of my book .. A very simple thing , isn't it?! .. once you finish reading this page loudly , the next page which has the name of our first story will be clear .. make a contract with me with your own blood; cut yourself and spill it on the first story to start .. Good bye for now and don't disappoint me my dear , I'll talk to you once you finish our first story [THE EMPEROR OF THE THREE KINGDOMS] ...”


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