A Glimpse Into My World

A Glimpse Into My World




Ananya is a class 12th student who is preparing for CLAT examination. She is not sure about being a lawyer but her because of her parents pressure she decides to give it. But if she doesn't want to become a lawyer then what does she want to become ? Will her parents consent to this ? And if not what will she do to fulfill her dream ? To know more join Ananya's journey to discover herself and show it to the world that she is no less than anyone.

12th April 2022

Ananyaa woke up to the sound of her father shouting at the milkman for not giving the milk on time. She got up from her bed and went to the washroom when her mother entered her room. When her mother saw her she said, "finally the queen of our house has woken up! Oh dear why did you take the effort of getting up, please go and sleep again, no need to go to school. Infact I think that I should go to your school in place of you. " Ananya was annoyed rolled her eyes and said, "mom please stop being so sarcastic, I literally slept at 1am yesterday as I was preparing for my project at school." Her mother became angry and shouted, " don't you ever roll your eyes on me and are you the only one who does all of this, Mrs. Ganguly's son Aarav is also preparing for JEE but he never fluctuates in his time table, he goes to gym, plays football, Studies hard but he never complains about it all." Ananya who was quite irritated by the end of her mother's everyday lecture entered the washroom and locked the door. Her mother laughed sarcastically and shouted, " yeah.. yeah run away from all of this but after all these people get into good colleges you will be the one who will be left behind then don't come to me to complain about your misery dear, as at that time I and your father will be helpless so please focus on CLAT as that is only where you can prove yourself." For Ananya this was her usual morning schedule. She was used to this that she had memorized all the things that her mother spoke and would mimic her when she was alone in the washroom or a place where her mother couldn't see her. She continued with her morning routine and came out of her washroom and wore her school uniform. She looked at herself and inside her head repeated the words "you are going to make it Ananya". Her father called her to eat her breakfast. She came out and sat to have her breakfast. She was happy to see that her father had made her favorite dose. She sat down to eat with her parents. While having her breakfast she made sure that she completed current affairs of the day so as to be free when she came back home from school. While she was doing so her father asked "how is your preparation going beta ?" Ananya looked up from her phone and answered "going good papa". She was annoyed that that was the only question that her parents would ask her. They had changed a lot in a matter of months as her exam was approaching. They had started burdening her a lot and she felt like she was being in a small room with less and less of air by every passing minute. She tried to tell them about it but they didn't pay attention to what she said and told her that of she gets in a good NLU she will feel good. But what they didn't understand is that their girl was least interested in law. She had to do it because most of her family members were in the profession. She quickly ate what was in her plate, took her bag and went down to her take her bus to school. She was a student of humanities and was quite interested in it. Her parents opposed her decision but her nanu convinced the two of them. She loved her nanu and would share her concerns with her nanu as she knew that he is the only one in her family how would listen to her without scolding her and without judging her. She felt light after sharing her worries with her nanu. She climbed the bus and sat besides her best friend Amit. She started discussing about the project with him. Amit said,"Bro if I mess up while speaking my part please cover up for me." Ananya laughed and said," bro that's what I was gonna say to you. Listen this is just for practice so relax. Atleast we have done this much, many people haven't even submitted their ppts." They both reached their class and sat on their bench. They were soon approached by their other classmates. They started chatting and discussing about the projects. Soon there history teacher came in and started taking their presentations. She was annoyed that only 4 people had submitted the ppts out of the class of 15. She took the presentation of Ananya and Amit and appreciated them for their effort but also suggested some changes in the presentation to make it look perfect in front of the external examiner. Ananya came back home at almost 1pm took some rest and at 3pm left for her coaching classes.

It took 1 hour to travel and she gave a mock test there. She retured home at approximately 9, had her food and went to bed because of the exhausting day.


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