The Vengeful Billionaire

The Vengeful Billionaire




After the tragic and mysterious death of the Whitebeard family in a suspicious car accident, Patrick Green, the only child to survive the crash, and his face got burnt, however he was saved by an unknown person who also was killed. Patrick began his own investigation into what really happened that fateful night. As Patrick delved deeper into the mystery, he began to uncover dark secrets about his family and the true motives behind the crash. Soon, he found himself caught in a web of lies, deceit, and murder, and he realized that he was in far more danger than he had ever imagined. But Patrick was determined to uncover the truth, no matter the cost. Patrick's investigation progressed, he began to uncover the vast wealth and business empire that his family had left behind. His parents had been very successful entrepreneurs, and their sudden death had left Patrick as the sole heir to their fortune. But as he uncovered more and more about his family's dealings, he began to suspect that there was something sinister lurking beneath the surface. Could his family's success have been built on illegal or unethical activities?

"Oh heavens!" Elon exclaimed, his eyes widening in shock, as he and his partner, Robnex, beheld the horrifying tableau before them.

A ghastly inferno consumed the ill-fated Jeep, casting an eerie, flickering glow that danced on the surrounding darkness.

The forlorn couples inside were beyond salvation, their forms shrouded in the unforgiving embrace of the flames, their hopes extinguished like spent candles.

In frantic desperation, Robnex dashed towards the blazing vehicle, his heart pounding with a frenetic urgency.

He clawed at the unyielding, locked doors, his fingers blistering from the searing heat. Elon, gripped by a grim awareness that time was a merciless adversary, felt its relentless march, pressing upon him like a crushing weight, urging them to summon their courage and act swiftly.

Suddenly, Robnex noticed something - a fire extinguisher lying in an abandoned White truck nearby.

He grabbed it and raced back to the car, frantically spraying the extinguisher onto the flames.

Robnex's heart sank as he heard the cry of a child coming from inside the burning car.

Desperate, he looked around, searching for anything that could break the window and free the child. Finally, his eyes landed on a metal rod lying under the truck nearby. Without hesitation, he grabbed the rod and swung it at the window, shattering it to pieces. He reached inside and pulled out a small boy, no more than six years old.

Elon watched in horror as Robnex struggled to put out the flames.

"Help!, Help!, help me!" The child's voice was weak and raspy, but it was unmistakably him. Elon raced towards the sound, his heart pounding.

In the shadows, he saw Robnex lying on the ground, covered in soot and ash. He was clutching the boy to his chest, shielding him from the flames. As Elon reached them, Robnex looked up, his eyes filled with relief.

"Get him out of here," he said, his voice hoarse. "I'll be right behind you."

Without hesitation, Elon lifted the boy into his arms and ran as fast as he could, away from the burning wreckage. As he sprinted through the darkness, he could hear sirens approaching in the distance. He knew that help was on the way, but he was terrified for Robnex. In a long moment, the car exploded while Robnex, who had risked his life to save the child, was still around the explosion.

After what seemed like an eternity, Elon reached the safety of the road, where emergency vehicles were already arriving. He gently placed the boy on the ground and knelt beside him, checking for injuries. The child was trembling, but he was alive.

As the paramedics rushed over to treat the child, Elon turned back towards the car, praying that Robnex was okay. He stumbled back through the smoke and debris, his heart pounding with fear. Finally, he saw Robnex, lying motionless on the ground. He ran to him, falling to his knees.

Robnex's eyes were closed, and he was covered in ash and soot. Gently, Elon put a hand on his chest, searching for a heartbeat. He held his breath, praying for a sign of life. After a long, agonising moment, he felt a faint pulse.

"Robnex, can you hear me?" Elon shouted, as he gently shook the man's shoulders. There was no response. Desperate, he put his ear to Robnex's chest, listening for a breath. He heard nothing.

Frantically, he began administering CPR, pushing down on Robnex's chest again and again. Tears streamed down his face, as he begged for his friend to come back to him.

Just as he was about to give up hope, Robnex let out a sudden, gasping breath. He coughed and sputtered, and his eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Oh my God, Rob," Elon said, his voice breaking. "I thought I'd lost you."

"You almost did," Robnex croaked, his voice hoarse and weak. He tried to sit up, but his body was too weak. He lay back down, breathing heavily. "I'm sorry I scared you. I just...I couldn't leave that boy behind."

"I know," Elon said, relief flooding through him. "You're the bravest man I know."

As the paramedics loaded Robnex and the injured people onto the ambulance, Elon followed them towards the Soleve Medical Hospital. The child was rushed to the paediatric ward, where doctors and nurses scrambled to save his life. His lungs were badly injured, and he was struggling to breathe. The doctors did everything they could, racing against the clock to give the child a chance at survival.

Meanwhile, Elon paced the hallway, his mind racing. Something about this accident didn't add up. There was something more going on here, something dark and dangerous. He needed to figure out what it was, and fast.

The child's lungs were badly injured, and his once-handsome face was now badly burned and swollen. The doctors had done everything they could to stabilise him, but the prognosis was still uncertain.

As Elon stared at the child, his heart broke for him and his family. He had no idea who they were, or what they must be going through, but he knew that it was a tragedy that no one should have to endure.

Then Elon left the hospital right away in haste. Without any second thought he went to the bridge where the terrible Accident occurred.

He left his elder brother, Robnex who was already healed the second day, Telling him not to move for now, he needed him to help him check the child's condition for now at the hospital until he's back.

Elon walked out in haste to the incident.

As Elon walked the length of the bridge, he came upon the remains of the black Jeep. It was completely burned out, a charred husk of what it had once been. As he surveyed the scene, his eyes landed on a glint of metal in the wreckage. He bent down to inspect it, and realised that it was a watch. He picked it up, and saw the words

"Patrick Green Whitebeard" etched into the face.

"It must be that boy's watch" Elon thought

Coming from the richest family, he realised the watch can buy his own and his Brother's house.

He turned the watch over in his hands, inspecting it closely.

As Elon approached the Jeep, Be could finally notice that it is a Russian sherp ATV black jeep that it was.

"Darm it Elon" thought again, this luxurious jeep is wasted, who could have done this…

He moved to the front seat of the Jeep, he saw that the dead couples had already been removed.But there was something else that struck him as strange - all of the belongings that had been in the burned jeep were gone. It was as if someone had come and cleared everything out, leaving nothing behind. He wondered who would have done such a thing, and why.

There was something sinister about it, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was very wrong.

As he opened the door of the Jeep Passenger seat forcely with his injured hand. He saw that it was completely empty. The only thing left was a single piece of half burnt paper, lying on the floor..

As Elon bent down to pick up the paper, he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. A black truck, speeding away down the highway. He turned to look, and saw two men in the front, wearing dark sunglasses and black suits.

As they drove by, one of them lifted his middle finger in a crude gesture.

Elon felt his anger rising, and he knew that he had to do something. And they knew something about this accident as he thought.He saw a motorbike parked nearby, and without thinking, he jumped on it and started the engine. As he zoomed down the highway after the truck, he felt the adrenaline pumping through his veins.

The motorbike was fast, but it was no match for the truck. As Elon sped along, he could see the truck pulling further and further ahead. He knew that he had to catch up, but he was beginning to doubt that he would be able to do it. Just as he was about to give up, he saw a turnoff in the distance. Without hesitating, he veered off the highway and took the turn.

He could feel the bike fishtailing beneath him, but he managed to keep control. As he rounded the bend, he could see the truck in the distance, still speeding away.

Suddenly, the truck swerved to the right, and it was clear that the driver had seen him. He was gaining on them, but they were still out of reach. Just as he was about to give up hope, he saw a small dirt road to the left. He hit the gas, and veered off the main road. The bike jolted as it hit the dirt, but he kept it under control. He could see the truck ahead, and it was clear that they were headed towards a dead end.

As the truck reached the end of the road, it came to a screeching halt.

The driver and the passenger got out of the truck, and stood there, facing the oncoming motorbike. As Elon pulled up next to them, he saw that they were both holding pistol guns. His heart sank, and he knew that he was in real danger.

"What do you want?" he asked, his voice shaking.

"We want the boy," the driver said, his voice cold and emotionless.

"Hand him over, and we'll let you go." His companion said, both were wearing a black float and a red cap along with the sunglasses as they removed the glass in haste …

"Which boy are you talking about?" Elon asked, a look of confusion on his face.he knew they were talking about the boy they saved yesterday night at the bridge..

."We know all about the accident on the bridge, and we know that you were there," the man said, his voice cold and hard.

"And we also know that the boy you saved is a very important person. You're in over your head, my friend. You should have stayed out of this."

Elon's heart was racing, and he struggled to find his voice. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said, but even to his own ears, his words sounded weak and unconvincing.

"You're lying," the driver's companion said.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Elon said, his voice trembling.

“I’m not involved in any of this.”

The driver narrowed his eyes, and took a step closer to Elon. “You expect me to believe that? You were there that night. You were the one who rescued the boy from the wreckage. You must know something about what happened.” the driver said

He was still holding the pistol gun at the ready.

Elon swallowed hard. “I’m telling the truth,” he said.

“I don’t know anything about any of this., "I and my brother only saved the dying boy from the flaming jeep"

Elon then got back to his senses as though he remembered something,

"Wait, Elon snapped, "Don't tell me it was you who took the dead couples after we left that place," Elon asked.

"Shut up you wizened fool" The second guy said.

You don't know anything about this asshole..

The ground was scorching beneath Elon's feet as he ran, sweat pouring down his face as he struggled to escape the two guys. All of a sudden the driver shot him.

The hot summer air burned his lungs as he gasped for breath, and the second man was closing in on him, his pace relentless.

With a scream of terror, Elon tripped and fell, his body hitting the hard pavement with a thud. The second man stood over him, his face obscured by shadows, and in his hand was also holding a pistol, the barrel pointed at Elon's chest.

"Please," Elon begged, his voice shaking with fear.


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