

Autor:Dwayne West

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Desmond Williams, a young man who sets out to find a lasting solution to his family misfortunes soon finds out that not all he knows is real… He and his brother along with a mysterious lady crosses many tempests and grave dangers to restore the orb of light… But the Earth goddess will not let him win so easily….will he overcome the darkness or get consumed within…?

....It all began on a dark stormy night...thunder raged the sky as lighting ripped through the clouds, Desmond sat outside his veranda, deep in thought...his mother who was staying with him sat by him, absorbed by the chore she was doing in front of was the third time he called that she heard him, he probably had to raise his voice to be heard above the pat-tat of the drizzling rain and snap his mother out of what ever reverie she was engulfed in...

"Yes my called," she said turning to face him.

"Yes mama, I was wondering about what has been going on in this our family" he said.

"What exactly is that?"

"All these misfortunes that has been befalling us of course.." he stressed

"I still don't understand you...come clear please" she said perplexed

"Mama, you and I know that all these things that has been happening in our bloodline is not normal" he said..."just name one person, one person Mama who has made it in our lineage.... poverty, childlessness, many misfortunes blossom in our family Mama" he added.

Sighing his mother answered, "you have a point Desmond, but what exactly do you want me to do" She asked...when he didn't answer she continued, "if your forefathers have tried and failed, what else can we do against Her?,..ehen Desmond?".

"Against who?"

"Nevermind my son, some things are better left unsaid and some mysteries hidden.." She answered.

"I don't understand Mama".

"Oya before I forget, I put something on the fire, let it not get burnt," she said dismissively as she picked up the tray containing melon seeds, "if you come inside, be sure to bolt the door o, I don't understand the kind of mosquitoes you have here," she added making her way into the house.

Desmond sighed and stared out into the pouring rain. All his life he has been a victim of one misfortune or another, he was still jobless, after graduating six years ago.... anything he tries to do turns out worse off, but still he knew nothing about the past...He felt like there was something she wasn't telling him, he knew it....but what could it be?, he wondered.

"Maybe Mama is right, some things are better left unsaid.." he mused.

Immediately a flash of like lightning streaked over the sky followed by a loud clap of thunder and then all was quiet again, except for the pat-tat of the drizzling rain. Sighing again, he stood up, grabbed his chair and made his way inside.


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