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Genesis has great friends and teammates who are always willing to be with her, so they are very overprotective causing all men to be afraid of her but take away seeing her happy. She does not know the surprise that she will have to receive a very particular cat that looks like Jhon, her beloved team leader. Jhon can't believe that he fell into the trap of his former students and they turned him into a cat just to give him a shove and become a Genesis partner. Her friends only want her happiness and are willing to face the wrath of Genesis if they are discovered. Will the plan work and bring them together? Find out in this little story.

It was quite a beautiful day, the sun was shining in the cloudless blue sky, there was a gentle breeze that cooled the hot air, and the birds were singing happily. Franklin and Gabriel stared lazily at the pair training ahead of them, seeking shelter under the shade of a tree. They had already finished training and not wanting to fight anymore, they simply looked at the other two remaining members of their team.

Genesis was panting quite loudly when he slammed his fist into the ground and quickly jumped away from his former master. The man was astonished when he saw the ground, still not used to the fact that the pink-haired woman could do such things and cause such damage so easily. It disappeared in a cloud of smoke, and shortly afterward there was a high-pitched scream. A pink stain sprouted from the trees hit the ground and stopped somewhere in the middle of the open field, growling it grabbed his side coughing up some blood and spitting it on the ground. Suddenly, he jumped up and in the place where he had previously been several knives were rooted to the ground. She landed gracefully, she sought cover in the forest in front of her, her hand glowing a faint green as she healed her wound.

There was a brief moment of silence; the only sound heard was the chirping of birds high in the sky and the sleepy yawn that Franklin let out as he stretched his arms over him before lowering them to his sides again. Then two spots of pink and silver reappeared, their weapons colliding with each other as they fought. Even if they were away from them, you could still clearly see the amused gleam in John's eye and the small smile on Genesis's lips, they were enjoying their match immensely.

- Hey, Gabriel - Franklin suddenly spoke while his bright eyes were still focused on the fight between the other two.

- Hmm ?

- What do you think of Genesis and John together?

- What made you think that? - asked Gabriel

- Well, you're dating Inashi, and I'm dating Hana. Genesis seems quite relaxed and happy with John, then... Why not bring those two together?

- Idiot.

- I'm serious! She deserves some happiness and would rather be with John than someone we don't know. Also, have you seen the looks they give each other? They already love each other and look how good they look together and how they are shining now while training. Wouldn't it be worth a try?

- Hmpt, maybe you're right but… What makes you think that simply gather together?

- That's where we come to in- Franklin said with a playful glint in his blue eyes. He finally turned his gaze to his best friend and rival at his side and smiled- Do you remember the scroll I told you about once?

- You have to be kidding me, that will never work.

- Well, back off, I don't need your help anyway. He pouted and crossed his arms. But when they're happy together, then you can't say you did anything.

John sighed knowing that there would be nothing that could stop his friend from this ridiculous idea.

- Fine, I'm inside, but just to see you and make sure I don't screw up is all. You're right; she needs some happiness in her life.

Franklin laughed and turned her gaze to her friend's pink hair. After leaving the village for three years to train with Jira, she was left alone in the village. He had heard from Jira that John had returned to black ops while waiting for him to return, and that saddened him a bit. He hoped he would turn his attention to genesis, but he didn't. She had sought her guidance from the legendary medical sorceress and village chief no less and had blossomed from a scared child who didn't know what to do to a beautiful woman with confidence, strength, and medical skills to rival those of her mentor. Now, at the age of twenty-three, she was a well-accomplished officer with excellent magical gifts and the third-best medic in the nation, capable of taking her rightful place in standing alongside her two teachers, Sara and Flor.

She was still the same girl she had known before she left, but she was no longer like that when love hit the teenager. And even though they were just friends back then, they eventually grew much closer than ever. They were like a brother and sister as they acted towards each other now, and when two years ago they dragged the other angry part of their little family away, they finally recovered. But then something horrible happened to Genesis half a year ago. While they were out on a mission, his parents are merchants known around the country, they were ambushed by renegades. When they returned and reported to Flor's office, she received the heartbreaking news.

Her sparkling emerald eyes stared in surprise and disbelief at her mentor before she ran out of the office and ran to her childhood home only to find it empty. She screamed her parents' names over and over before falling to the ground shortly after that. It broke Franklin's heart to see her that way. He had stood firm by her side at the funeral, silently hugging her from behind on training breaks trying to give her some comfort. She didn't say much after that, her eyes went dark as she cried for her parents. But she never cried in his presence. She watched desperately as the fire in her best friend began to waver, she ate less, and dark circles appeared under her eyes. She screamed in her sleep when she went on missions with them, but not once had she come to them to help her get through the loss. It was only when he passed out in a training session that John decided he had had enough of his behavior and gave him a good scolding about how stupid his behavior had been the last few weeks, and it was he who was there for the next few days to make sure. That she took good care of herself and thanks to him, every day they recovered a little more of the old Genesis.

Now looking at them and training against each other with great pleasure, they knew those two would be good for each other. He observed that she was not fast enough to dodge John's counter-lock and fell to the ground, both of them rolling several times until they came to a stop. Genesis found herself beneath him as laughter flowed from his lips.

- You've won again- she sighed as she looked at the man above her.

- You're getting better every day, I have to take care of myself. John smiled back. He stood up extending his hand to help her up. Taking his hand in gratitude, she was lifted, and he held her hand a little longer than necessary before releasing her. She dusted herself off while smiling at him.

- One day I'll beat you, John, you better be ready.

She turned her back and walked to his other two teammates, they followed not far behind her.

- You did great, Genesis- Franklin smiled at her as she fell beside him. He handed her his canteen and took it gratefully, swallowing some water.

- Why didn't you two fight? - Genesis asked.

- We were done, and the fool here did not want his ass hit again.

- That's not true!

- Hmph.

She just shook her head as her teammates watched each other fighting each other. Laying his canteen on the grass, he hit his two friends at the same time on the back of their heads.

- You two stop him, you're going to give me a headache!

- Ouch! I'm sorry - Franklin apologized as he rubbed the now sore spot on his head- Then we go for ramen?

- I'm sorry, but I can't, they are waiting for me at the hospital today. Sara will teach me how to extract the poison with a new technique.

- It's great, then I'll see you later.

She smiled as she hugged him from behind before getting up.

- See you tomorrow - He gestured with his hand before lifting his backpack and ran easily. - Hmph, I'm going too, Inashi is waiting for me at his mother's shop.

Franklin watched as his best friend left before turning to the last remaining teammate who was leaning against the bark of the tree, his book opening as he read in peace.

- Hey, John - Franklin began to speak as he turned to his old teacher.


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