Keeping It Professional

Keeping It Professional




Viya Huston is a 18 year old high school graduate, trying to get away from her emotionally abusive mother. When growing up she never feeled loved, so what is this feeling towards her boss? Jamie Gray is a multibillionaire. He doesn't care about no one but himself and his money. He's the leader of the most dangerous and powerful mafia gang in Italy. Jamie's always been cold hearted man due to his belief that love is for the weak. Through I wonder will that all change due to his meeting with his newest employee? Can they keep it professional?

  "My name is Nora Lee." I said with confidence even though I'm shaking with fear, knowing that's not my real name.

  "And why do you want this job?" One of the men asked.

  "I want this job because I'm well qualified and I work well with others. I'm seeking to learn new things." Shaking my leg under the table because none of this is true, I'm just trying to get a check because this company pays well.

  "So you are 25, you have a GPA of 4.0 and you graduated from Harvard University, right?" The man said with a concern look, which made me scared that he would catch on to me.

  "Correct." Shaking my head nervously.

  " Wow, you got a high education but you only applied for a desk job. You should work as the CEO personal assistant?" The man said, which is the only man talking even though there's 2 other men but one is wearing sunglasses and on his phone not even paying attention to anything and the other man is just reading papers.

  "Oh, yes. I would love to. I just didn't know that was available," I said excited as hell because I know with that position my check would be even bigger for I can move out and get my own place and once I do that I can go to college.

  "Okay good we will be contacting you about the job as soon as possible."

  We said our goodbyes and parted ways.

  Soon as I walked my lying ass out of that building now I can breathe comfortably and now I don't have any weight on my shoulders.

  Now I Just have to wait until I get that call. I just really hope I do, I need this money for I can leave my abusive mother and have my own life.


  A week has passed since the interview and I totally forgot all about it because I applied for multiple jobs that day. The man called, it was really unexpected, he informed me that I got the job for the PA position. He told me his name is Luca and that I can call him anytime if I have questions about the job and also he told me the person I'll be working for is a multibillionaire named Jamie Gray.

  What he told me took me by surprise, until it hit me I GOT THE JOB! , I don't tell my mother because she's just gonna make me give her my paycheck and say I owe her for taking care of me. She hates me and she makes sure she tells me every day. She's the reason why I have no friends. She moves me around the state of Georgia because after a while she doesn't want to pay the rent and we get evicted and we are forced to leave. I barely finished high school, I had no were near a 4.0. GPA it was more along the lines of a 2.1. My whole 10th grade year I didn't go to school because she didn't want to get my records from my old school and she said I don't deserve an education because she had me when she was 16, so she didn't finish high school.

  I was getting out the shower to get ready for my night job my mother didn't know about. I was catching the bus to The Clubhouse. Yes, I work at a strip club. I need this money and it was the only job that paid everyday. I don't really like waiting for a paycheck.

  I lowkey hate the club. It always smells like sweaty old men and perfume. I hated the men here and they made me sick. I always try to avoid giving old men a lap dance but it's hard when that's all you mainly see at the strip club and yes old men terrified me. Then with those wrinkles and they have no boundaries. They think since they are old you have respect them even if they're in the wrong.

  It's only been like 3 months since I started working there and it's not that bad. The only thing I hate about it is the old men and the men that don't have any money. They give me $10 like I'm not worth a million.

  I go to The Clubhouse earlier than I'm suppose to because I need to put my makeup on and my wig. So my mother won't ask any questions about where I'm going looking like that. She doesn't care what I do though to be honest. I come home like at 2 am and she doesn't say anything really as long as I bring some type of food back. I just don't want her to know I work at a strip club, so she can judge me and that's all she does, judge everything I do.

  "Dream'' one of the girls called my name. And yes Dream is my stripper name. I really don't know anyone's name here because I don't like to socialize, plus they are all older than me.

  "Yes." Putting all my things away back in my bag getting ready to go out on the dance floor.

  "One of the girls hurt her leg, so she can't get on the pole. Do you think you can get on the pole this early? I know it's not your turn right now but I can't do it right now either but I will do it when it's your turn for you don't have to do it twice." she said jumping up and down with a baby voice.

  "Yes... okay" I replied since the pole is not that hard to dance on, plus I hate getting on the pole when it's my turn because it's later in the day and more men are there and that's when the manager comes he makes me dance on men I don't want to. He says the men love me because I have a curvy body, so they always request me.


  I woke up looking at my phone. I got an email about my work schedule working in that company. I don't know anything about it. I don't even know what they do or how to be a personal assistant.

  I look at the schedule one more time realizing I got like an 1 hour to get ready. I have to be there at 10:15 am and it's 9.

  So I rushed to my bathroom, took a shower, did my hair afterwards in a low slick back bun, and a little make up.

  I looked in my closet realizing I have no professional clothes. I'm so stupid. I was not prepared for this job. So I put on a white bodycon dress, that ends at my mid thigh, with a gray cardigan over it to cover up and white flats.



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