My Four Years Of High School Went Like This

My Four Years Of High School Went Like This




Shara joined the drama club without expecting that her high school life will be drama itself. Fear, curiosity, excitement.. high school makes her feel lots of things. But what she didn't know is that high school will make her discover a lots of things about herself.

High school. It'll be fun, they said. A stepping stone to college and career. It's where the adventure starts.

They make it sound so exciting, but all I see is a scary world. A scary world where the strong thrive and the weak try to survive. It's where the problems start.

"Okay next, introduce yourself briefly please." Our homeroom adviser, sir Joseph said, referring to me

I then stood up and started my introduction. "My name is Shara Joy I. Hendrix, you can call me Shara."

I kept it as short as possible, not wanting any more attention. But luck wasn't on my side as sir Joseph asked a question.

"I can see a book on your table. You like reading?"

I silently cursed. Why did I forget to hide my book when he came in? I only brought it with me so I can read in vacant time. In that way, no one would talk to me. No disturbances.

I nodded. "It's a hobby."

"Okay, next."

I sighed in relief and took my seat. It hasn't been an hour yet since school started, but I'm already wishing for it to be over.

Thankfully though, the next hours went smoothly and I didn't need to interact with anyone. Interacting with people just drains my energy. I don't like it.

Now it's lunchbreak. I brought out my packed lunch from my bag and put it in my table.

I then ate in peace, but that peace was quickly broken.

"Hey. Shara, right?" A classmate who I believe is my seatmate asked. I didn't say anything and just nodded as a respond. "You're not a member of any club, are you?"

Again, I didn't speak and just shook my head.

"Nice! Now hear me out." He said and spun the chair in front of me before sitting on it. "Can you believe that our school have no drama club?!"

It seems like he's just gonna rant. I then nodded and went back to eating.

"Y-you can?" He stuttered, finding my answer find to believe. "Well, I guess you can."

He stopped for a second and took a deep breath.

"But that's not the thing, you know." He started speaking again. "I've been looking forward to high school simply because I want to join the drama club. I wanna take part in plays. I wanna present a performance on the stage. It's my small dream."

He sounded so sad that I couldn't continue eating anymore. Now I have another definition for high school. It crushes your dream.

"And so, I'm gonna make a drama and make my dream come true!" He continued in an energetic tone. "Join me."

"What?" I was dumbfounded by his last statement

"Join me." He repeated. "You like reading books, don't you?"

"What about it?"

"Have you ever imagined yourself as one of the characters in the story that you read?" He asked. I didn't answer, but I am guilty of doing that. "In the drama club, we can make that happen."

"My answer is no." I said as I started packing my lunch

"At least think about it?"


He sighed. I thought he was gonna leave me alone, but I was wrong.

"You give me no choice."

He hastily took my book that was at the side of the table and raised his hand away from me.

"Give it back." I said calmly

"In one condition." He replied. "Join the drama club."

"I can't act." I answered

"You don't necessarily need to act. There are other roles." He explained. "You can be in charged of the props or costumes, if you want. We'll figure it out."

"But I don't even know your name."

He looked at me in disbelief. "I literally introduced myself after you did."

"I don't remember."

He sighed once again and placed his empty hand for a handshake.

"I'm Tracy John, TJ for short."

I didn't shake his hand and just looked at it. He then took it back when he realized that I don't plan to do a handshake.

"Okay TJ, I'll join the drama club." His eyes shined in happiness. "But you need to promise not to give me any important roles or roles that'll need me to interact with a lot of people."

"I promise!" He said as he raised his hand as a sign of his promise

"Cool." I simply said

"Now we only need one more member to officially form the club!" He exclaimed and put the book back in my table

"I'm the first member?"

"Yes." He smiled. "Feeling honored?"

I rolled my eyes.

"You only recruited me because you bad need members." I answered

"Well, it's not just that." He said. "It's because you like to read books, so I figured that you know a lot about dramas."

"Really, huh?"

"Yeah, but what you said is also part of the reason." He chuckled awkwardly

I shook my head in disapproval and finally put my packed lunch back in my bag.

"So Shara, I hope you don't have any plans after class." He suddenly said

"Why?" I asked

"We need to recruit at least one member. Sir Joseph said I need to form the club today and the minimum members are three members."

"What happens if we don't form it today?"

"Then there won't be any drama club."

A part of me wished that we won't be able to recruit anyone, but another part of me feels sorry for him and wants to recruit another member as soon as possible.

"Well, I'll gonna go grab something in the cafeteria. Want something? Maybe a drink? I'll buy for you." He offered

"No thanks."

"Okay then. See you later."

I gave him a nod and he then walked out of the room.

Now what do I really want to do? Wether the drama club forms or not, it doesn't matter to me, but it's a big deal for him. It's his dream.

I groaned. Why does he even have a dream for high school? Doesn't he know that once you start dreaming, you start suffering?

It's frustrating. It's not even my dream, but it's frustrating me so much because he got me involved. Right. I'm already involved, so does that mean I have no choice but to help him?

Well, it'll make me a bad person if I don't help him, right? And I am not a bad person.


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