
Realistic Urban

A young lady who suffered in life after she lost her mom at an early age .. As a result of an early stage relationship and teenage pregnancy Adora is born into a world of suffering and pain, but at the peek of her downfall in life , as trouble looms , she finally meets the one person who will save her from her doom...

Mrs. Adora, before I pass judgment, would you like to share with the courthouse? District Attorney General Lukeman said as he gazed into the eyes of pretty early twenties fave whose's eyes were filled with tears and threaten to spill out its sadness on the soft fair face. My name is Adora Nyamekye, from Kadjebi in the Oti region of Ghana. What am about to tell you all present here is a true-life story filled with grief, betrayal, broken soul, and murder.

Twenty-six years ago, my mother, a sixteen years old teenager, started dating my father, they were much in love and enjoyed each other's company, at least that's what everyone thought. They were seen on several occasions by the riverbank, most of the time my grandpa chased them with h stick and it was hilarious, my mom will tell me, she fakes a sad smile and continued,

On numerous occasions, my father tried to copulate with her, and on numerous occasions, all his attempts to get her into his bed failed. She tried all she could do to always to prevent my dad from copulating with her, she would explain to him that it is a sin to have sex with a woman you haven't married yet". Anytime they talk about this, my mom always ends up having a red cheek and a purple eye and sometimes bleeding lips ps

now everyone in courthouses was silent listening to Adora who was crying her heart out and trying to tell her story


My grandparents got irritated one day when my mom got beaten almost to death by my dad, just because she refused to have sex with him, my grandparents reported the issue to our family friend who was a police CID, Detective Brinix

she made a weird face just after mentioning the detective's name

. My dad was arrested and for three weeks my mom shut herself behind closed doors without food, this situation got my grandparents scared by the thought they might lose their only daughter, on several occasions they tried their best to talk her out of her self quarantine but it all fell on rocky ears. My grandfather approached their pastor and he came to the house to talk to my mom, it was a bit difficult because my mom was then only a sixteen years teenager who has not even completed high school and had fallen deeply in love with a twenty years local guy who has just completed his second circle education. All she ever thinks of is being with him, my grandfather was totally against the relationship, and my grandma! Hmm, she only sits down and cries anytime there is an issue concerning my mom and dad she will say "I just want my daughter to be safe".

After much interference by family members, my mom agreed to come out only if they are willing to release my dad from prison. My grandfather protested against the decision at first but later on changed his mind. After much discussion with Agent Brinix, my dad was released and brought to my grandfather's house, grandma managed to bring mother outside and she was all pale, which made grandparents be scared at what might happen to mom if this happens to go on for long, as soon as mom saw dad, she forgot about the pain she was going through when you take a close look at her shining eyes, you could imagine how happy and in love she was. She run with the little strength in her to hug dad, she nearly fell but Dad caught her in mid-air, so they both ended up sitting on the ground and hugging each other when you don't know their problem you would think you have found Romeo and Juliet. Grandma started crying which was upsetting grandfather so he left.

How can a lady be brutalized to the extent of losing her life, all because of love? A few weeks later, my dad invited my mom to his house for an important discussion, my mom told him it was late so if it's possible they should meet the next morning but my dad insisted that she came that same night, she had no option than to go, she checked the big wall clock in her room and it said 1:55 am, she sighed and dressed, she slid down the window and twisted her heel, To avoid her parents being suspicious about what she was up to and to keep them thinking that she was still in her room, she looked at the old fashioned wooden narrow window and decides to use it as her exit. Unfortunately she landed on her heel and got it twisted a little , in pain, she moved on , when she reached his apartment, instead of my dad checking her wound , my dad slapped her and scolded her for coming late , he gave her food and forced her to eat,she refused to eat because she wasn't hungry and that resulted in a heavy punch on her nose leaving her to bleed from the nose and felt dizzy.she could have gone back home ba she feared that dad would break up with her so she started apologizing again, "baby please I am really really sorry ,its just that I am not hungry but you don't worry I am eating now see" mom said, she started eating the food in ,fear she shook so bad that my dad thought she would die , she chocked and requested to be given water to drink, he was gone for almost fifteen minutes later, he returned with a glass of orange juice and met my mom battling with to catch her breath on the carpeted floor, he sat behind her and gave her the fruit juice himself, she gulped all in a split second , poor mom she nearly lost her life. She started feeling dizzy, my dad stood up and with a devilish smile watched her struggle to stand up as she couldn't do so she tried crawling her way out, halfway the room, she passed out, my dad carried her majestically unto the bed and stripped her naked and had sex with her.

She was tight, but he still forced himself into her, in her sleep she still felt the pain, she started bleeding but dad ignored her and after six hours of sex he stood up and looked at the almost lifeless body of my mother, with fear that the worst might happen, he sent her to a nearby hospital, he thought of leaving mom behind so he gave the doctor my granddad's number as his own, he gave no location, no identification, and no explanations to what happened to her. For three days, grandparents tossed in bed, they felt restless because they had no idea where their daughter was, they regret not educating their daughter about teen pressure and what being in a relationship at an early stage will cost her. On the fourth day my mom woke up from a coma so the doctor thought of calling the number dad gave to her, it rang several times before grandmother was able to know how to pick a call on a smartphone, I guess you know what happened after that, she just started crying. In less than twenty minutes, grandparents and Detective Brinix were at the gate of the hospital, they entered the ward and where a lanky male doctor and a blond nurse stood to examine mom's condition, hello, how may we be of help, are you a relative to this lady? Asked the doctor with a smile on his face. As soon as grandma saw mom in the hospital bed she resumed her work


she has been crying for days, for grandpa, he was just standing there with his arms folded whiles Agent Brinix spoke with the doctor for the description of the young man that brought her to the hospital. He returned from what seemed to be a fifty minutes discussion, he told grandpa that there is a serious issue at hand, he revealed to him that it was dad that brought mom to the hospital according to the description given by the doctor and! And what Brinix? what did that coward do to my daughter? Grandfather asked angrily, relax sir, I can't say he did something to her but. But what Brinix , what are you not telling me? She was raped and as a result of that she has lost much blood Agent Brinix said silently, grandma tried finding audible words to express how shocked she was to hear that her daughter had been raped.

Mom couldn't do anything but just lay quietly, she was still weak, what can she do? She has lost her pride as a freshwoman, she was now a broken spirit, nothing mattered to her more than her virginity and pride as a young teenager, can she ever forgive him for the atrocious thing he did to her? She thought all this when she was on the hospital bed with her eyes shut and tears fighting their way out. Grandfather was disappointed and angry at her for being reckless, he wanted to scold mom but Agent Brinix suggested he relaxes, for now, it is not the right time to do this sir he suggested. So what else am I supposed to be aware of? Grandpa asked, can we step outside sir? Sir, she is pregnant, Agent Brinix said, what do you mean she is pregnant! I mean how, how can she be pregnant at this age? Grandfather furiously asked, the doctor confirmed it to be true sir, she is also in a critical condition and would need love and attention now more than scolding her, Agent Brinix spoke while he looked down. Grandfather sat on the ground With his eyes red, I will kill that son of a bitch, I will kill him Grandfather said as Agent Brinix helped him to stand up, in anger he stormed into the ward, he waved Agent Brinix away when he tried to stop him, just because I call him grandpa doesn't mean he is an old rod, he was 49years while grandma was 37years he


went straight to mom, I demand you tell me where that stupid boyfriend of yours is! grandpa shouted at her in anger, somehow mom knew what grandfather could do to dad so she kept quiet and turned her head away, under normal circumstances, that act would have resolved in a slap but this case was different, let her be my husband! Grandma finally pleads for mom, shut up woman, if you had kept your eyes close enough on her, while I toil and break my back in the hot sun to feed your empty stomach, she wouldn't be pregnant, Grandfather scolded grandma. what can she do? She is technically blinded by love, grandma made a sad face.

Four days after, mom got discharged from the hospital, she was bound not to step outside, considering the feeling of distress, loneliness, loss of interest in everything, she spends much time crying the sadness of the early bird, grandma said she was sometimes sleep talking, she was mostly heard in her sleep saying "I miss you, baby, baby don't leave me please, am sorry for what happened" when this is happening grandma would have to stay awake and watch her sleep again, she sometimes cried because she felt her daughter's pain, she


remembered when her uncle forced her and had sex with her when she went for a vacation visit. This world is cruel, grandma said at a point in time mom wanted to take her life by cutting herself with a razor blade or any sharp object, she was caught one day putting the g spoon into an electrical kettle containing water, she was possibly doing all this to take her own life not because she has been raped or pregnant but because she was being denied from seeing the love of her life.

Eight weeks had gone by and mom hadn't seen or heard from dd, he no longer chat, or even when he is online, he blue-ticks her all the time, are things falling apart? she didn't review dad's location because she thought that will make dad take her seriously and be with her always, especially now that she is pregnant for him, she fantasize always about Having a lovely daughter and a husband to love her.

She was four weeks pregnant for him and he

my father

had no idea of the pregnancy. One night, when it was raining and there were thunderstorms, she


set in the rain without footwear going to my father's house because she couldn't handle it anymore, she had to find out what was going on, why is he not even checking up on her. Luckily grandfather saw her going and got interested in knowing what she was up to. He followed her without her noticing him. He


made sure to take his hunter's gun along in case there will be a defensive attack. Mom reached dad's resident and knocked, she called him but he didn't pick up, she continued to knock for almost an hour, grandfather hid in a dark spot and watched what will happen next mom sat down when she got tired. She was shivering and it seemed to rain️ forever. Finally, it stopped raining, grandfather wanted to come out of hiding to take mommy home but he was determined to see what her daughter came to do in this house, he was surprised to see Dad emerge from the room, "so this is where this bastard leaves " grandpa thought to himself, mom raised her head with a smile plastered on her face with the hope to find a smiling face looking at her, instead she found an annoyed dad's face that asked her "what are you doing here" dad turned and spoke to someone in the room to go back and wait in the bedroom. "Who is in there baby?"Mom asked Instead of answering or at least asking how she was doing, he shouted at her and called her a witch that wanted to disgrace him. Mom stood up, looked at dad, and shouted back at him "you are a monster" dad slapped her with a reply that sent her crushing on the ground and started raining insults on her, she knelt in front of him and begged him for forgiveness, Jayson am sorry, Jayson am ...Jayson am this Jayson am that what is it a witch? why can't you let me be ?, Don't you see you mean nothing to me? Dad cut her off," Jayson !!" Mom exclaimed, what dad shouted at her, am pregnant for you.


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