Guarded by the Young General

Guarded by the Young General

Autor:Lady Dalen



Lady Dalen is the precious only daughter of Miral family, strictly guarded by elder brother. After graduation his elder borther sent her to the metro to manage their family business which is condos for rent.Apartments, and commercial spaces. All she had to do is to collect the monthly rentals. At first she is very hesitant in goint to the metro in the first place she didnt like the over crowded Metro unlike living in the province of the East. She is bored living in here apartment she decided to apply for a job with.out consulting her family, because she knows already that they will dis.agree. Dal..... Did you see my marker? Her office work Gab approached her.,makes her realized that she is over thinking. No, i didnt,she replied. By the way girl, Ash is todays birthday we are all invited she will celebrate her birthday at the disco bar. All of us so you are not excluded, dont make any excuses anymore. Gab, you know my elder brother will not allow me...tsk.tsk.. Dont worry we will help you. We already had an idea. Really, huh!! she replied with bliking eyes..make sure guys.

  At first she is hesitant to enter, the bar is dark. The on and off disco lights are the ones that makes the place visible. The place is beautifully set up. Lots of foods and drinks. The celebrant is busy entertaining the guests, family, relatives and co.workers are only invited. Servers are busy serving foods and drinks, also the DJ busy himself playing the music. The disco music makes her ears ached. The disco lights makes her feel dizzy.

  Dal, i know this is your first time coming like this place, Gab whispered tru her ears.

  She nodded as reply.

  Gab patted her shoulder, dont worry the bar is already reserved to all of us. Only us will use this place no outsiders.

  Its her first time, during her school days she is not allowed to party. Home to school vice versa was her life. Her elder brother will send her to school and picked her up back to home. From time to time elder brother checked her location.

  Everybody is enjoying the party, while she is just observing them party. Smile them back when they smile to her.

  Hey, hijah have some drinks? a voice behind her back, its the celebrants mom.

  Hello, tita! Thank you, but i dont drink alcohol, hehe

  Ohh, good girl.. you can drink dont worry, just drink beyond your tolerance, patted her shoulder and leave.

  Her co.worker Alexa offer her a glass of alcohol.

  Dal, dont worry its a less percent of alcohol,,haha try it.

  She handed it and gulp.

  She didnt noticed how many glasses she shots.

  She's looking for Gab, she needs to see herself in the mirror. The CR inside the disco bar are occupied. She meets Gab's eyes and signaled her.

  Hey, Gab's voice.

  I need your help Gab, is there any cr here, the cr inside are occupied, i want to see myself. I think my face is thick, she said lazily.

  Hahahah, girl..seems like your a are not a half blooded far as i know your parents are pure Filipino,,your chicks are red. How many glasses of alcohol did you drink?

  Gab, I have to pee also, i feel my urine tank is full, haha.

  Okay you go.. hurry, when you go out that door, turn right go straight then turn left at the end you'll see the cr.

  She emmediately left Gab, and go the direction she was directed.

  In a hurry situation, she accidentally bumped her face into a hard chest of a man with.out saying anything she emmediately leave. The cr is calling for her the most. Upon reaching, luckily the cr had no customer, she feels that her urine tank will burst out..after sitting comfortable, She stand up and look herself in the mirror. As what Gab said, yes her chicks are red, this is the effect of alcohol intake.

  She fixed herself and ready to go back at the disco bar.

  Next time, when you hit someone because of your carelessness, cant you say sorry??? Didnt your family teaches you good manners, a hard voice coming from a man standing beside the door step.

  She almost jump up holding her left chest with her palm in surprised.

  She looked at the man from head to foot. Sorry,,do i know you? Did i hit you??

  I was just the man you bumped in a few minutes ago in the lobby, reminded her. are you drunk? The man questioned her. Next time drink beyond your tolerance.

  Its none of your business if i drink, she bowed her head and said, Mr. Man in front me I AM SORRY for accidentally hitting your body. Is that okay, Can i leave now?

  Sure you can, but before this..with one hand he lift her chin and kissed her lips. She was shocked. She is trembling how could this man....f***!!

  I hate you,,,,she shouted at him. And she walked away as fast as she could. At the corner she saw if shes not mistaken six gentlemen looking and smiling at her. She go inside where the party was held.

  Dal, what makes you so long...hahaha Gab asked.

  Uhmm,,i just sit for a while at the lobby couch, she lied. She didnt tell Gab what happened outside.

  She took a glass of wine from the server and gulp it. She was still shocked she touched her lips. Damn that man.

  Dal, come on lets dance the sound is good, Alexa said behind her back.

  No, i good here..ill just watch you dancing..and smile her back. Her mind was on the man who was just kissed her.

  The party was over, every was saying good byes to each other.

  Dal, come with me i'll drive you home, Gab said.

  No, dont bother me your out way, i can take a taxi.

  Your a princess, a princess must have a car. Gab shouted.

  She had a baby car but his elder brother didnt want her to drive in the Metro. For short again she is not allowed.

  You go, drive safely! She told to Gab.

  No, i'll send you first, Gab said while waving her hand at the approaching taxi. Get in, i already had the plate number. Call me your home, bye take care!

  Thanks Gab, you too take care, drive safely.

  She relaxed herself inside the taxi. When she reached home, she didnt noticed the black Porsche following the taxi, and just leave until she get inside the house.


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