In the dark a little flower cry as she was left alone ,as she cannot be like others,no one was willing to go near it,her cry sounded so lonely .
A voice slowing cheering it up cried out -Little flower ,life is not easy ,why cry,shine yourself without others only at that time you will know how to live and enjoy yourself and you won't feel lonely.
How can I shine with no one noticing me .
Chuckling sound
Oh look at you , not everyone has good life nor did I but even without other noticing you ,you can shine ,you can be a flower who all cherish and wants but for that you have to be strong and fought until you're there.
Who are you ,No one want to talk to me but why did you comfort me
I was like you ,to me every one is equal and my job is to comfort and lead the life of those like you ,sacrifice is the only thing ,
I have already sacrifice my life
Then,are you a ghost
haha hum you can say so but i am only a half ghost
Is that why i can only hear your voice
No even though I have sacrifice my life I still have a body
But I cannot see you
I haven't shown myself so how can you see me silly peony
wind breezing through ,there was a gentle music ,It was like the spring is coming itself,every tree got there leaves again,every flower blooms,every animals dance happily and the birds started singing,the fireflies and butterflies were shining,A fairy like girl wearing long green gown,with curly blond red hair with flower crown with a gentle smile show up it was like everywhere was shining ,everything was smiling
with a smile ,Nice to meet you little peony,
you do look like a ghost but how can a ghost be so beautiful but why are you here in this deep forest
This is where I belong and the way you are describing your own home upsets me a little
But I have never seen you before and what do you mean you belong here
Not only you little ,no one except those who need me can only see me and here is my jome and I live deep inside the forest ,you cry make me come out of there
what is there
There is where I am going to take you and it is where each one who is like you stay together with me to know themselves.So, are you willing to come with me
But how is that possible,I can not move
That's why I am here
Her hands move and see touch it gently
How can i move how is this possible.Why did you help me
Silly,I have already said to you helping you is my job
So, are you willing to go now
Yes, ghostfairy, um May I call you that
Chuckel,the way you're addressing me sounds little funny but sure why not
Here we are, a tunnel with flowers with a way in there was there ,It was like there was another world in therewith a lively family