The Depressed Lesbian

The Depressed Lesbian




???????????? Matilda Dennis is a popular soccer player in the girl's school soccer team,all the girls in her school would sacrifice all their classes just to watch her play she's well known for her talent she's very good with the ball not so good in books,not that she's dumb she's just lazy she would rather go to a night club have a few beers with her best friend who's also in the girl's school soccer team Candy in full they're both students cute ones to say every girl's dream. Matilda is 6'5 she's light in completion cause she's white of course, a blondie but her hair  is always tired in a bun she's originally from the United states and her friend Candy is also white not a blondie but she also always has her curly her tied up in a bun they've been best friends for 10 years so it's like they're twins they copy each other do everything the other does,both into sport more than books but at the end of the year they always pass. Daisy is beautiful humbled and very intelligent girl in her school, she's gay but in denial or I'd rather say still in the closet , she doesn't have the loving and supportive family so that's one of the reasons she refuses to accept the gayness within herself ,she has only 1 bestfriend Elsie,well Elsie is not so different from Daisy they have few differences, Elsie is white, straight, comes from a very decent and loving family. Oh I forgot Daisy is black and she's adopted by 2 white parents (Mr &Mrs Buck) 

Matilda Pov

"what do we have here?" Tess,the school's biggest bully. She asked while taking a book off the table where some other 2 girls were sitted.

"Don't you dare lay your dirty hands on my book"The dark skin girl held Tess with both her hands from the collar of her shirt eyeing her closely "you don't get to touch my books nor my friend's"

"Relax Daisy I was just checking it out cause it seemed interested" she released herself from the girl's grin and stepped back

"you better not next time" the girl warned, Tess walked away with her 2 friends who follow her around wherever she goes like she's some type of a queen or a celebrity. I could tell she was a little nervous and she saved herself from the embarassment by walking away she has high standards to maintain

"eyo, bro who's that"I asked while nudging my elbow on Candy's arm

"Stop with that,it hurts"she whinned pretentious to be hurt "well that's Daisy, you wouldn't know her, she's low-key ain't popular like you, but one popular fact about her is that she's hella smart she beat all our asses in all classes and that's her friend Elsie they're both smart actually but DAISY"she emphasized the name

"that's impressive and I didn't know Tess out of all people has someone who's she's scared of, you saw how nervous she got when Daisy held her by her collar"? I asked still facing the two girls

"Well no one gets away with shit with Daisy, Daisy is kind but trust me no one messes with her as kind as she is and as humble she looks she ain't scared of throwing a few punches to every assh*le who messes with her "

"wow, she ain't the type to mess with"I chuckled

"why you even still staring at them?"she pulled me by my ear

"awww that hurts,you stop doing that too"I rubbed my ear while heading to my sit,which is next to Candy's we sit in pairs of 2 so I shared mine with Candy

My so called parents changed my class cause I wasn't doing so well in Tourism and they changed me to Science, can you imagine science is way too hard but they're my parents I was born to please them. So I don't quite know a lot of people in my new class I know many girl's in my school I was surprised to find out that there are actually girls I don't know they're probly lowkeys as Candy said if they were popular or forward I would've known them.

"Oh ou that's Tess I bet she's coming to you"Candy guessed as Tess was walking in my direction with her 2 bodyguards

"Matilda oh my God I didn't know I was gonna share a class with you how're you doing?"she asked amused

"Tess,I'm good, how're you?"I responded a little annoyed but not really showing the Expression I gave her a fake smile

"I'm good too, you ain't gonna give me a hug?"she asked making an expression

"Oh yah "I got up and hugged her quickly pulled out before smelling like her, no offense she buys the most expensive perfumes I just don't like smelling like neither of them

"Oh hey Candy"she greeted Candy pretending to haven't seen her

"yo Tess"Candy greeted back without even looking at her

"Okay bye Blondie"she waved her hand while walking away at me with a smirk that was supposed to look sexy but didn't really look so good on her,I waved back simply.

"Tess is so into you why don't you just screw her?"Candy asked arching her eyebrow

"Did you just say Tess?I can never screw her,the whole school would know about that and I don't think I would be able to come out of her claws once she gets hold of me"

"Maybe if you screw her once she'll stop nagging"

"Bro"I glared at Candy with a what the fuck expression"there's so many pretty girls to screw ,I would never sleep with Tess"

"Okay I'm just saying, she ain't that bad herself"she said with an evil smirk on her face

"Candy if you don't stop now with that I'm gonna nudge your arm with my elbow so hard a bone breaks"

"Chill out dude"she pushed me a little laughing so hard

A bell rang signalling the first class was about to start"

"Which class is first?"I asked while checking if I have a pen I don't really bother myself by carrying it

"Science" Candy replied taking out her science book

"Shit I don't have a pen"I searched my pockets

Candy chuckled"me too,ask Tess she's gonna give you hers she wouldn't want to see her crush getting kicked out of class for not having a pen"

"Oh funny ,bro I don't want Tess to think I have a thing for her"

"You need a pen which we're gonna share"she raised an eyebrow

"I guess"I looked up to Tess she was 4 seats away from me "eyo Tess can you borrow me a pen"I whispered at her hopefully she heard me since she was staring at me

She personally walked up to my desk to come give me a pen with a big smile on her face"you can have it it's yours now"

"Ou thanks Tess"I added with a smirk

"And you Candy do you have a pen?I can lend you mine "she asked curiously

"No "Candy replied

"Here take mine" Tess offered Candy her pen


"Miss Beau please take a sit I'm about to start a lesson"Mr Ben asked with his stern voice

"Yes sir" Tess headed back to her seat

The lesson started, Mr Ben kept us for a whole 59 minutes he had the little kindness to let us go for his remaining 60 seconds,so kind.

