Tale As Old As Time

Tale As Old As Time




Depressed that she failed her trial on becoming a lawyer, Yua Ito goes back to Shirakawa-go in hopes of releasing her tension with friends and family. Upon living there, Yua one day explored a nearby forest no one dared to enter, only to find the truth kept hidden in the village about their dark and ethereal past upon meeting with Sariel who which eventually tells her about the 'other side'. In a world where humans and mystical creatures once live together, and was forced to be divided into two seperate worlds for the sake of peace, Yua Ito strives to fix what's right and unveil the past she has with The King of 'the other side'.

'Fresh blood drips from my nose.'

She hits it hard. The backspace key rapidly move as Yooa practically jabs it with her finger. She stares at her laptop overly bright screen in silence as the clock ticks every second in the background.

Any sane person would want to go to sleep when they're stressed out, any sane person would turn on the lights and do their work with a clean environment.

But to Yooa, that's exactly a phsycopath move.

Who can be stressed out, and go to sleep right away without overthinking more? Who can do their work when everything just seems bright and happy in your room? Who can even BE happy, after failing to excel your law trials for the TENTH time?

Yooa stops to rub her eyes. She then came to realize how stupid it is to even came up with an idea to write novels at 3 AM. An activity once could calm her down, is now stressing her out.

Before she could comprehend on what to do, her door flies open.

"What the-?!" she fumbles on her chair and it creaks before the handle snapped and made her fall dramatically on the ground. Head first.

Everything just went into a blur for a few seconds, before she saw the devil at the door. It's Eugeneia. Yooa's roomate.

"Why are you on the ground? Pilates on a chair?" she said not realizing her presence caused this.

"My door could literally break at any point now--could you just-knock once?" Yooa examines her chair which is totally miserable at this point and beyond helping, then scowls at Eugeneia. "Great."

"I mean.. at least you can have a better chair now. That's old junk anyway." Eugeneia shares light. "And lead my budget hanging by a thread? Nope."

Eugeneia winces and finally realized what she's done, so she carefully make her way to comfort her. She reaches to her and massages Yooa's shoulders. Yooa just shakes her head and let it.

"Wanna talk-"

"No. I'm fine. I just-" Yooa sighs. "I just need time to heal. And I'll be my happy go lucky self again."

The both of them shared a moment of silence for a long while. Then as time passes they settle into several comfortable talks.

"Wait-why are you here again?" Yooa asked.

"Oh." Eugeneia sits on the floor comfortably ,legs crossed. "So I went to poop awhile ago. "

A strange start. Yooa was intrigued.

"I didn't think much of it so I just barge in the women bathroom because nature was calling me so freaking hard. I got into a stall, and sat down. So as I was sitting-" Eugeneia crouches and mimics a sitting position. She points to her bottom. "I release the entire thing without holding back. It felt like I gained an ab and might've lose 3 kilos of weight." Eugenia even mimics the way she did it. Yooa was unfazed because she was used to her weirdness. Thats what happened when you live together for 2 years.

"But as I get up-" she stands, "I was like 'Oh whats this?" because the toilet seat was sticking to my butt." Yooa raised an eyebrow. "It's exactly what you think. I didn't open the seat and-- just let loose. And the worst part is that seat was holding onto my butt incredibly strong for god knows how, so when I forcibly stands it was already broken and sliding off the ground, and guess what? It landed right on the next stall's person's foot with my chemical substance on it. Like..how the hell can that even happened? Is this like..a normal embarassing story to you like--how can my shit stick the TOILET SEAT my butt--that strong?"

"No!" Yooa closes her mouth in disbelief. Eugenia regretfully nod her head indicating yes.

Yooa slowly, quirk up a smile, and eventually laughed. As much as she hates how fast and quick Eugeneia's story could light up her mood, she cant help but feel relieved that she came in in the first place. Eugeneia follows right after.

"Tell me you didn't try to take it back and stay quiet till the person next to you left." Yooa teases. Eugeneia shrugs and gave a knowing look with a grin. "The rest is history I guess." she said and just like that they moved on from it.

"Anyway why are you glooming in the dark. It's almost new year which also means break time. Foodtime. Happy hours time. You name it."

Yooa ponders. It's almost 'breaktime', is the term used by all colleagues in her school to indicate that they can finally get 8 hours of sleep. Which rarely happens if anyone were to take the path of going to law school. Excelling trials to become a lawyer feels nearly impossible as years passed. So Yooa came to a conclusion way back that in order to survive law school mentally, one must be fearless, optimistic, and basically experienced in time management. Yooa is all that but one. Time management is basically a 'who is she' to Yooa. She's incredibly bad at managing time and the worst at being ON time. Which is one of the reason why shes grateful to have a friend who exactly knows how to deal with that. Although Eugeneia is much more worst than her in trials, she's the best when it comes to being on time. That's one thing that Yooa envied about her and also the fact that she doesnt worry too much about her results. For Yooa, succeeding is the best for her family.

Almost everyone will be going back to their hometown when its breaktime. Yooa havent gone home for nearly 3 years now. It's all because excelling, is the only thing she could think everyday. For the whole year, for the whole time. Still, things dont go the way she wants them to be.

"I dont know. I haven't thought about breaktime for awhile." Yooa said.

She reaches over her desk and took her laptop and place it on her lap. "I cant waste time. Next year is our last semester, and I haven't even read half of the legal cases, let alone memorize them." She starts opening documents shared by law professors and presses to enlarge screen and starts to go through it.

"Okay. No. Stop that." Eugeneia who has been watching her with concern closes the laptop without a warning and the room goes dark without a single light source. "You're draining yourself. This is basically suicide."

Yooa forced the laptop to open "Eugene-" but Eugeneia puts force to it.

Yooa smiles weakly to show she's fine even though she knows Eugeneia cant see it. "It's okay , I'll take a rest right after I'm finished. You dont have to worry."

Silence. For a few seconds. Before Eugeneia lets go and Yooa opens the laptop lid back up.

"Why are you like this. Even Ennard that flying colours guy is sleeping right now! I mean.. well look at me! I nearly failed but Im happy. "

Yooa smiles. "Sucks to be an over thinker like me I guess."

Eugeneia scowls. "You're smiling? Your eyes look dead inside and your body feels extremely hot and you're smiling?"

Yooa looks at Eugeneia and begins to touch her arm and face. "I'm not feeling hot though." Eugeneia cringes and she gets even more concerned.

"You dont even realize you're sick."

"I'm not sick."

As if it was summoned, Yooa nose starts to feel itchy. And then she made a mistake to rub it which causes her to sneeze all over Eugeneia who darts the attack like a ninja.

"Aish! You sprayed it all over me! You know what?" she takes the laptop and hit the off button. Yooa scrambles to take it back but was too late. "I was reading through that!"

Eugeneia held the laptop on her side and her other hand rests on her hip. She looks at Yooa straight in the eye. "Answer me, and if you get them right. I'll trust you to destroy yourself more with this."

"What the hell Eugene?"

Ignoring Yooa's rage, Eugeneia ask away "What date was our recent trial?" The date clicks to Yooa immediately and she joins in. "20th October" she reaches over the laptop but Eugeneia darts it back.

"What day is our next trial?"

Yooa sighed in defeat, "Next month, 12th January. "

She proceeds to ask several more important questions to which Yooa got all of them right.

"Okay can I have that back now. This is ridiculous."

Eugeneia held up a finger indicating one more. Yooa slouches.

"What's happening tomorrow? "

Yooa was about to answer but stops herself. She tries to recall all the important events that possibly could be happening tomorrow. But nothing came up.

"Uh, Professor Kingsfield visit?"

Eugeneia's eyes soften so Yooa was thinking she got it right, and she smiles proudly.

"No." Eugeneia shakes her head wearily.

So Yooa proceeds to try again. "A ceremony? Graduation for the seniors? New skills to learn? Bake sales? Winter decoration in the main hall? Oh uhm, Ennard's special teaching day!"

"It's your birthday Yooa. " Eugeneia says out of frustration.

Like been hit by a bullet, Yooa go still.

"It's your brithday, and you forgot about it."

Just like that, Yooa dropped her smile.

