Give You My All

Give You My All




When summer ends Hanna is determined to stay mad at her, well what do you call a long time friend who seems to have feelings but never said anything about it so it stayed that way? Yeah that. That is Beau For her. During the summer he totally ignored all her texts and calls. She didn’t worry too much because he was on vacation until she needed him, her father had died. But to her surprise every call and text went unanswered. Expecting to come back to his same shy, innocent looking Hanna Banana, he finds the opposite. And snuggling close to another man! After what he’s been through this summer. He’s mad but it turns around on him. The attraction between the two grows only locking eyes and the lust builds creating a new attraction. They go through up and downs unlike anything in the past. She wanting to be mad at him but he determined to win her back.

  Reaching for the liquid eyeliner she applies a little on each eye with ease; she has always love painting. The small wings she sets matches her blue eyes and thick long eyelashes. Her lips has always looked naturally matte, but still putting on a little something made her irresistibly gorgeous. Applying mascara, taking a last look in the mirror, she compares to her old self. The one before summer came, before she turned 18.

  Unable to do make up before, she now looks at her face as her canvas, applying anything couldn’t be easier. Although she doesn’t need foundation her skin is perfect. Her once straight cut hair is now wavy, probably from getting it cut it layers and taking better care of it, knowing what it needs. Her body Before was not as luscious. Now her boobs were perky with a flat stomach and a cheeky round ass. She looked sexy with her new style. Light Brown locks falls past her breasts, as the sun pours in, it catches her natural highlights, pulled back with heart shaped sunglasses. Blue eyes mixed of dark and light.

  She squints her eyes at her outfit debating if it’s okay. Skin tight, dark purple, long sleeved shirt with slits at the shoulders near the collarbone exposing skin. Black high waist skirt hugs her butt and shows her new curves. Her new Jimmy Choo’s pull the whole thing together.

  Satisfied she grabs her phone

  . ‘Ring ring ring’

  “Hello?” “Yoooo whadup! You almost here? You’re going to make us late.” She whines. “Calm down. It’s the second week of senior year. Hanna, you’re not missing anything right now girl. I’m right around the corner be outside!”


  The phone call ends. Hanna’s eyes automatically gaze in the direction of a picture frame with a singular red Salvia flower. Beau invades Hanna’s mind once again.

  Fingers dancing along the strings of a guitar, a beautiful melody plays as Hanna studies. He smiles with his brown eyes and dimples watching her. Short dark brown hair in a mess. He was always so sweet and kind to her, never having a girlfriend she took it as a sign

  To her dismay This summer was nothing but silence. Hanna’s father died shortly after Beau left for his vacation. She attempt to reach out several times, disappointing herself each try.

  ‘What was I thinking? We’re just friends. Were. Time to move on. He’s the guy girls in our grade dream about, hes not interested in me. Time to stop fooling myself. After not bothering with me all summer I don’t even consider him a friend’

  All her sadness turned into anger over time. And that anger was directed at Beau.

  She doubted all the slightly romantic gestures he did for her throughout the years.


  Hanna glides downstairs, grabs a carrot muffin and walks out the door.

  In a red Lykan Hypersport sits a person with waist length blond hair, red nails to match her red and white cheerleading outfit. Her make up is kept light and complements her complexion.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting” Hanna says stuffing the muffin in her mouth before hopping in her best friends new car. “Oh I’m fine and dandy over here, aging like cheese” “got it Mrs.Perfect” And she was. Her name is Nikki Perfect. Pronounced per-fit but spelt Perfect.

  Cheer Captain and president of student council. Envy of every girl who is within a 5 mile radius. Her parents are ridiculous rich. Despite all the movie clichés about mean girls she’s got a friendly bubbly personality. She convinced Hanna to try out for cheerleading and got a spot!

  She, Hanna and Beau have been good friends since they were young. But dares not to speak about him anymore considering he also stopped talking with her.

  Driving off to school they chat about senior years upcoming events. Excited about the upcoming first rally and away game, the all nighter where they play scary movies all night on a projector on the football field, spring break then prom. Yes it’ll be quite the year.

  The year she leaves Beau behind and move forward in her social life. With her new look it both excited and terrified her.

  Going from nerdy to sexy.

  Being 30 minutes late they rush inside and part ways.


  Hanna was busy digging in her purse to notice anyone, thinking the halls were clear as classes were in session.

  She bends down to pick up her scattered items, the unknown person helps. Strong looking hands. Annoyed with being late enough but doesn’t want to be rude, she thanks them.

  “You’re welcome” a sexy voice comes from the stranger. She looks up, gets a good look not realizing her eyes are lingering

  ‘This guy is so stunning’

  He towers over her as they straightened up. A strong jaw, with piercing eyes, slick back black hair. Hands in his pockets. A black unzipped sweater covers his loose fit shirt but can tell he’s got muscle. He gives a dangerous vibe, it’s intriguing. she shakes her head. Hanna hasn’t thought about anyone other than Beau being handsome.

  Then again she was trying to forget him and move past her unrequited feelings. Maybe this was a good way to do it

  Dismissing the thought she smiles and she says

  “it’s my fault, I was rushing”

  “Well I did see you coming but am captive in your beauty”

  Once he saw her coming he had to get her.

  ‘So gorgeous. I wonder if she’ll give it up easy like the girls I’ve hooked up with’

  Butterflies tickled her stomach, she’s been hit on before but not by the person she was attracted to. Now stood before her the second man to make her mind fuzzy.

  he bends down a little to get in her line of view. She got flustered. She watched him lick his lips

  “You wanna play hooky with me? Get out of here”

  “I uhh got class. And not to sound pushy but you’ve missed a weeks worth of schoolwork.” “what about showing me around?” not knowing how respond but also wanting to keep talking she pauses.

  “Could you maybe help me instead then?” he hands over his schedule

  “Oh right, of course” glancing at the paper

  Miss Doomsay room 420, fate is on his side.

  “I’m heading there now, let’s get going before we’re even more late!” Hanna tugs on his sleeve. By her looks alone he wouldn’t have guessed she wanted to get to class right away. She looked more like she a ditched a couple of classes than attend extra. His eyes kept looking at her ass bouncing

  This made him more interested in her. He’s never met a girl who’s into school with such a body. Maybe he could use her in two ways. One including her brain, and the other her body.

  He flirted gently easing her into his web


  First class was over. She was lost in a trance and time got away

  “Hey, since I was the culprit for missing class let me get you lunch today. I’ll met you there” he said winking and leaving

  Hanna was confused. Confused about what? She realizes she might have the hots for someone other than Beau. And she totally forgot to ask his name! Guess she’ll find out at lunch.


  Nikki is seated at the cheer table. Buzz about a new hot student floats around the school.

  Heads turn to stare at Hanna when she walks in “is that girl new?”

  “I haven’t seen her before. I heard there was a new guy. Not girl.”

  “let’s go invite her to my party this Friday”

  The two jocks soon stand at the cheer table catching their attention

  “Hey, I’m Dillion”

  “And I’m Justin”

  Twins. Dillion is the taller one. Justin is slightly shorter with lighter hair. Other than, they pretty much look and sound the same. Both good looking but Hanna wants out of this interaction.

  “I know, we’ve been in the same class since kindergarten”

  “We don’t recognize you”

  “Got my braces off”

  “Oh, well We’re Having a party this Friday. You should come” Dillion says “it’s at ..... usually people show up around 9:30-10

  You can come whenever you want. Even stay the night if it pleases you” he leans in hands on the table and whispers “if. You want me to please you.”

  Saying nothing but furrowing her brows. The new kid comes, puts down two trays and pulls Hanna’s chair out from the table away from Dillion’s breath.

  “Babe. I thought we’d eat outside today” offers his hand. She takes it and mumbled a thank you.

  Turns to Nikki and says she’ll talk later. Nikki winks at Hanna impressed by her new choice to move on with

  Walking in for the first time since school started he catches the sight of Hanna. And some dude calling her babe! Although it wasn’t spoken, he thought it must have at least been implied at some point in time. All the trinkets and tokens he’s given her. Too shy to make a real move.

  Not giving another thought about what he himself was occupied with during the summer or the fact that he deliberately ignored Hanna too busy dealing with serious business

  Expecting her to be waiting for him like always, he got jealous at the new sight of her with someone else.

  Especially with her new alluring look

  ‘She’s looks so different. I can’t believe she let another guy hold her! It’s like she’s not the same person.’ Jealousy ignites

  Beau strides Hanna’s way after the new kid leaves. “Hanna.” he says in a husky voice

