Unknown Person

Unknown Person

作家:Unknown Person



Zhaffira Gozon is know as nobody,she doesn't like to have an interaction to other people even in her school, she doesn't even know if some would like her,She always think that "Being nobody Is better than walking and saying hi to toxic people",Then he met a person who make his change life. is this coincidence?is this a test? being known by one person is like flying ,but why someone know me when i dont know anyone?

It's another day for class again even I have early class I can't really sleep early I don't know maybe it's just my habit to sleep at late night ,yah like a night owl, I never imagined my self going to school again after I stopped , but now I think it's good for me to make start my self again and again without any one ,

I don't know what should I eat , should I make a sandwich or just omelet arghhhhhh it's too early to be stressed , Then at the end I decided to take a shower I always stay at bathroom long cause I just feel happy when I'm inside of it I can do whatever singing,dancing and maybe some of dramatic lines, I like watching dramas so some of their line is in my brain so,,,after I take a shower I go to my room to take my clothes and wear it I have a long brown hair I'm not that taller and not that skinny just stable that why my uniform fits on me I cooked a scramble egg and I made a sandwich too, while I was eating i open my phone and got a message from my father he said that GOODLUCK TO YOUR CLASS AND HAVE A NICE TRIP my father is not that strict he work as a driver while my mom was at restaurant but everything change now Its end up me living alone, after I finish eating I wash the dishes and make myself ready I wear a glasses if I'm just in home cause my eyes have a bit problem and now I'm starting a new day and new journey


"Im zhaffira gozon I started to live alone when my parent get divorced i go to school at day and to my partime job at night, i always walking alone cause i dont have any friend or even close neigbhor, they always think that im a weird girl who live to next door,

Im walking when my neigbhor started to scold to her daughter "Do you think thats fine? youre just 16 and youre going to runaway with your boyfriend, hu.... i dont even know whats his face and your doing this " thats what i heard i dont like listening to others problem,but base on what i heard maybe her daughter decided to runaway with his boyfriend,,, i can't understand why some of girl going crazy when their lovers left them ,why girl doing some stuff just to make their lovers happy,does the love that powerful,, huuuuuu i dont care about them i dont even know whats the feeling of being inlove ,

Im at the bus sitting while listening to music I always sit next before the window cause i always want to feel the wind ,,by a minute the bus stop infront of the the school gate ,,,actually i think almost all of the people inside of the bus is a student here ,,,

When i get down one person greet me"heyy...nobody"while smiling at me ,shes lia the only person who always followed and greet me in the first place i always avoid him ,but when a time,day,month passed i cant avoid him anymore,

WHAT?.... i answered with a bored voice,i dont but even i look annoyed to her ,she just making fun of me "want to grab some food or drinks?"while smiling and grab me,,,shes rich and only child shes famous in this school too,,but how could she end up hanging out with me,"What do you want?"she ask me with a cute voice,,"is this your treat again?" i ask her ,and she look at me and said "Why do you want to treat me?" then she started laughing,,

"by the way .....did you study yesterday?",she ask me while were walking at the hallway

"OUM...while im at the coffee shop" i said to her

"why i always asking you if you study?"the she laugh ,when im with her i feel comfortable i like how she treat me like her younger sister,when we are canteen one group of girl approched her,

"Hey wazzuppp,,,, looks like your having fun hanging out with a nobody" she said while looking at me,

"oum yeah why?do you need anything?" lias answered,

"hanging out with nobody makes you nobody too"

"Are you not feeling ashamed with this nobody"

ohhhh by the way whats your name again? after what she said shes asking me....i just said to my self ,

"Im...not",i looked at lia when she said that

im not feeling ashamed hanging out with her,,,,why?how about you do you feel ashamed hanging out with some snail? she said then look at me and smirk,

"WHAT!?" can you repeat it again the other girl said,"OHHH CRAPPPP"lia said that all of them look at him theres other student too "HOW COULD A SNAIL TALK LIKE A PERSON " even lia is kind she hide this kind of attitude ,,

LIA? i call her name with a low voice,

"OUM" she said

can we get out of here ? i just feel some strage feeling,,,,i ask her cause i dont like being around with people,OKAY! she said, befor we leave she said "DONT WORRY A SNAIL CAN BE A PERSON SOMETIMES ,BUT DONT FORGET NO ONE SNAIL TURN TO BE A PERSON ,THAT MEANS YOU CANT TOO,,,,,,,"she said then all the student laugh,

she was holding my hand and drinking juice,i dont know anything about this person i just know that she's lia,HEYYYYYYYYY,,,,,, with a loud voice

WHY? youre looking at me are you inlove with me?she said enougb to make me annoyed,

Lia do you have anything to do? i ask her,,

NO i dont have any.. why? while looking at me with a serious face,"Nothing i just said it to make myself comfortable again"i said with a serious face,,TSKKKKK,,, so weird,,,, she said.

After we eat she go back to her classroom and me too,my teacher just teach about some math problem when she just teaching i was looking outside and looking to the sun light that in the floor,its beutiful i rember when i was a little i always sitting to the place where the sunlight is...

the class is finish and i still sitting on my chair some of my classmates is going to canteen and some is just in the corridor chatting,talking and making some funny stuff, and here i am looking at the wind waiting for nothing ,i just imagine whats my life when i was a famous and have many friends,im hanginging out ,going to a trip,having a lunch with them and making some nonsense.

After a minute of my imagination,my phone ring

HELLO?my mom said, i dont like talking to them cause i know they just making me do some stuff that they like,

OUM yes...i answered her

what u doing now? she ask me like she doesnt know that im at school,

Im sitting staring at wall why? i said with a bored voice,OUMMM Can you go here in sunday?she ask again, WHY? i said,

Cause its your brother birthday and she want to meet you,she said with a happy tone,

Yeah i have a little brother on her side cause after she get divorced by my father she get married with a man who background like us too,but he's wife died so he get married with my mom, I DONT KNOW I have a work and some projects to do so.......i said with a serious voice ,

OHHHH...... but can you do something about that its important than that you can do that other day!? she said like scolding me

Do i need to have a care to your family ? i said ,

How could you say that to me im your mother! she sid with angry voice,

Yeah I know that you're my mother mother ,I would never forget that,,I said to make him annoyed

IF you don't come to the party your would regret it! ,,,she said,,,

I cant promised that i would go i have many things todo more important THAN BIRTHDAY byeeee....i end the call, why shes asking me and say that its more important ,i didnot even see the face of her new husband or eaither his son ,

yeah mom married to a man who have a four son that the one is older two years than me,the same age as mine and two younger than me,

i dont care ,i go to ouside and looking to the clouds and someone tap me,

HELLLLLLLLLO!! its lia she always go to me to have a breaktime with me,

OHHH HI!i said with a smile,

hu?you looked annoyed? she said ,

ahhhh its nothing just some of family problems,,,,i said,

Come with me lets grab some snack,,,,she said

okay ..i smiled and she grab me...

lia knows about my family issue and when i said its about them ,she just stop talking and change the topic ,she know her limit thats why i like her

OHHHH here,,,, she gave me juice and a burger

THANKS i said back to her , she always order a chocolate flavor of juice and a popcorn ,

FIRA,,, she said while taking a sip

oum? i said,,

Do you ever want a sibling ?she ask with a serious face,

ME?oummm ,,,yeah sometimes ,,, i said

why dont you lived with me? she ask with a happy face ,

Why? why should i ? i ask him back,

cause i want you to be my sister....she said with a uncomfortable tone,

Hayyyyy dont worry we can still even i dont lived with you tho, i said and she smiled,

After we finish we go back to our class room for last three subject ,its history time and i staring at wall again i dont know but i just feel to stare at the wall whole time ,My teacher is just talking about some of our heroes did ,i feel sleepy when it comes to history and after the class ,we wait for another sub and a minute ago the lecturer come,the subject is Biology we just stare at the presentation and listen to what they said,

After an hour the class end and its time for the last subject ,the class is still the same and im still nothing some of my classmate is chatting about what would the do after the class end and some is sleeping,am i the only one listening here?

looks like our teacher is feel sleepy too ,she yawning many times while she was teaching about selfproper hygiene ,all of the people here is bored .

I stare at the corridor and i see that its too cloudy and the clouds is getting darker maybe its going to rain soon, i was hoping i have umbrella but i dont and thats annoying,and after a while its starts to rain,and my teacher is almost finish when a while ago students enter our room and ask for the teacher permision for some announcment,

All my classmate scream when Lia enter the room WOAHHHHHHHHHHH,,,,,HOOOOOO,,,,BEUTIFUL SO BEUTIFUL OMYGOSH,,,,, they scream like they see an artist ,, yeah lia is beutiful and have a nice body too, Everyone quite!!!! Are lecturer said, okay continue what you should do,,,,, she said with a calm voice to lia's group ,They just said about some rules, violation and regulations and some announcement and after

That they leave our classrom and lia smile at me,

after waiting the class end up and the teacher left all my classmate get ready to go home and some is going to some where and some is planning to go in bar ,that's the students they think that they are rich and can do whatever they want ayst......... ,when i go outside lia is waiting for me infront of the room "Want to eat something ? She ask ..... is this a treat again?,,,I said

YEAHHHHHH.... why? she said while making a cute face ,,Nothing,,,, I answered, smiled at him and we walked together,

While we're eating and sharing some story she make a joke that I have a secret admirer ,and theres me imagining things too, after we eat we decided to move but the rain suddenly fall its like having a typhoon we looked at each other and laugh "whyyy you didn't bring umbrella? she asked me....

Why? Is that my obligation? I ask her too

Ofcourse I'm the one who always treat you tho,,,,,,,,she said while laughing

Wow did i tell you to treat me ? I ask her again

No but you still eat it!!! She said while pouting

We laugh together,

We didnot bring umbrell thats why were both in stuck in waiting shed outside of the school, she called their driver to pick her and she said he's coming,after a while ago the driver of them came to pick her up she offered to come with the until we got to my home and I refuse it's , she said goodbye to me and they left and i decided to wait until the rain stop,but its been an hour but the rain didnot stop,My phone ring so i answered it,


HELLO! FIRA,,,voice of my father HELLO dad,,,i answered,

How are u? he ask,

Im good how about you? i ask him back,

Ohh im good too! did your mother call you?another question,

YEAH,,,why? im just asking him back again and again,

Nothing- - did she ask you to come to her son

birthday? third question,

Oum yeah and idont know if can come..i answered

OKAay ,,,,,I have something to do so i call you later....bye



after a while the rain stop and i find a bus i enter to it and look at window, its so cold and i forgot to bring my jacket i dont even know what should i do to my projects i fell a sleep and when i wake up the bus stop at my street while i was walking i feel strange the feels that someone is following me thats why i walk fast and decided to act like im talking to someone,

when i get home im so tired thats why I forgot to eat I clean my self lock the door and window I just lay on my bed and i fell asleep , i dont know but I just remembered that before i fall asleep i was thinking if i should go to that party or not and i fell asleep.

