The Guardian Of The Sea

The Guardian Of The Sea

作家:Anthonia Ann



In the sea, a group of people guard the entrance to the sea from harm They were called guardians and they are ordained from heaven to guard the seas. They are three guardians, Iva, Travis and Owen. They live in the sea. Travis is so jealous of Iva and Owen because they of the love between them. Travis is a very powerful being, he is a handsome guy blue eyes. He is the most powerful guardian among the three guardian. On earth, Linda Dunstan A chef that works in an expensive restaurant in Texas, actually she was just transferred their. She is beautiful and she is nice. On a fateful day, Travis was sent to look for a crystal which divides the sea from land before Lamar, a evil being which seek to destroy the earth get his hand on it. Travis was viewing the earth from up. He was focused down until he collided with some birds. The map mistakenly fell out of the pocket and he continued his journey. On the way, he checked his pocket for the map and later found out it was no more there. He stopped his journey , decided to look for the map and later he found himself in Texas as he landed. Linda was waiting patiently for the arrival of the bus with some people. They all formed a queue. Linda is the last person in the queue. She saw something coming out of the sky. The thing fell on her hand. She looked at it closely and discovered that it was a map. She looked back to discover that everyone on the queue has entered the bus. She ran to the bus and entered it. What happen next. Find out on the guardians of the sea

The Guardian Of The Sea

Chapter 1


"Linda be fast, the customers are waiting"Margaret said interrupting me.

"Should I repeat myself again"She added and hissed.

Customers troops into Ray's restaurant daily, in the morning, afternoon, evening and even at night. Ray's restaurant is refers to as the best restaurant in the United States. Rich people comes to the restaurant to order for food and dine.

"Linda, this is the order of table number 17 and 18. Are you done with table 15 and 16 order?"Evan asked.

I was still on table 15 order till when Margaret interrupted me.

"No, I'm not done with it yet. I'm still preparing it"I answered.

I and Evan are the only chef in the restaurant for now. Margaret, Susan and Diego collect orders from customers and give customers their orders.

I walked to Magaret and gave her the order of table 17 and 18 that Evan gave me.

"These are Table 16 and 17 orders" I said and left.

I walked back to the kitchen and began to prepare table 15 and 16. I peeped through the window and checked whether table 15 and 16 customers are still there or not. I saw them seated waiting for their order. These customers wait for their order to be prepared before they leave the restaurant everyday . In Ray's restaurant there's a television, a place where computer games are been played. There's also a playground where children come to play.

The table 15 and 16 customer ordered a hotdog and two hamburgers. Now that they are fully prepared, i walked to lousy Margaret and gave the orders to her.

"I thought you will not bring the orders till 6 p.m."she said meanly and walked away.

Magaret is not the only one who attend to the customers but she's the only one available for now. Magaret works from dawn to dusk, Diego works from dusk to night and Susan works from night to dawn.

If Margaret was my boss, she would have fired me a long time ago, I am sure of that.

I walked back to the kitchen and checked the wristwatch. In the next three minutes Margaret shift will be over, sadly Evan shift will also be over and I will be the only chef in the kitchen.

"Linda, I will be going home soon so I will need my wristwatch back"Evan said.

I removed the wristwatch from my wrist and gave it to him. I borrowed Evan's wristwatch to be checking the time because of Margaret.

"Thanks"He said and left the kitchen.

He went to meet Margaret.

Evan and Margaret are a couple. Evan and Margaret have been dating for a year now. Evan is nice, kind and helpful to me while Margaret is the complete opposite of Evan to me. They both love each other.

Susan once told me that before i start to work in the restaurant, Margaret used to be a nice person like Evan. I started working in the restaurant seven months ago.

I walked to a stool and sat on it. I waited for the orders but got nothing. I walked out of the kitchen and saw Margaret and Evan hands held together coming towards my direction.

"You are leaving already?" I asked

"Yes, our shift is over"He said and smiled.

I followed them to the gate and waved them goodbye. I decided to stay outside the gate to wait for Susan to come. Minutes later, I saw Susan from miles coming to the restaurant.

"You can't help me carry my bag"Susan said as she stepped into the restaurant. I stepped into the restaurant also. She walked into the boss's office and I stayed outside.

Minutes later, she came out of the manager's office and walked to me. Our manager is Mr Robert. He's nice, kind, friendly and humble. I can refer him to as the best manager that I've ever worked for.

"Tell me what Margaret did to you today"she said.

"She did nothing bad to me today except spilling out rubbish from her mouth"I said

"I think she is trying to be nice to you but it is hard for her"Susan said.

I was told that before i start working in the restaurant there was a cook that works alongside Evan in the restaurant. The guy is mean, rude and complain a lot. The guy was later given a whole year strike from work.

Susan has been telling me that Margaret had been testing me. She is nice to Evan, Diego and Susan apart from me. I used to ask myself whether I'm different from the rest or not.

Since there is no more customer in the restaurant, me and Susan can gist ourselves at any time.

"Susan, Linda, Mr Robert need you in the hall now" ivy said

Susan, Evan, Magaret, Diego and I are not the only workers in this same restaurant. They are other workers belonging to different department. Ivy is in the cleaning department.

I use to wonder why Mr Robert never fire his workers.

We walked to the hall and i was astonished to see all the workers gathered in the hall. I saw Magaret, Evan and Diego there too. If all workers are here it means this gathering is very important.

I walked to a seat and sat on it.

After two hours, the meeting ended. The cause of the meeting was that some of the workers will be transferred to other Ray's restaurant in other parts of the world. They are other Ray's restaurant. The one I am presently working in is located in London. We were told that the names of the people has been posted on the notice board.

"Linda, do you want to meet the mean guy i've been telling you about?"Susan said and i nodded.

We walked to the notice board and we saw Magaret, Evan, Diego and someone with them.

"The guy beside Diego is the mean guy. His name is Wade"Susan whispered to me.

