作家:Alisha W.



"I could've had other plans for you," he told me suddenly calmly, and moved his one hand to my lower back. His big hand was moving towards my butt. I squirmed uncomfortably. "Don't fucking touch me," I spat in his face, making him close his eyes. Then I fell onto the grass and I let out a loud cry of pain. He had let go off me unexpectedly and my back took the impact of the fall. --- They were the opposite of each other; light and dark, tainted and untainted, dangerous and innocent. One faithful night, Oakley crosses paths with a mafia leader in the middle of him murdering someone. She's kidnapped and held captive for what she's witnessed. They were never supposed to belong to one anothers world - yet they can't help but to fall in love with one another. *** The story contains explicit content that's not suitable for everyone, majorly cussing and description of sexual acts. Enter at your own risk.

I looked up at the top of the shelf, standing on my toes to reach the snack I most desired - pringles with the sour cream and onion taste.

It was a Sunday night and I had an insane craving for some snacks this late at night. I just wanted something good to eat while watching my show on Netflix. The closest open store nearby was the gas station on a Sunday, so that's exactly where I went. I wouldn't preferably go there since the prices are higher, but I didn't really have a choice when my grumbling stomach was in charge and all regular stores were already closed.

The clock was almost twelve when I left my apartment, so I'd guess by now it was something around twelve.

It didn't really bother me as long as I got my food.

I finally got a hold of the pringles and pulled them down to me. My grocery basket was now complete with pringles, sour candies and two bars of snickers.

Now I'm gonna have an epic time watching prison break! I cheered inside my head.

I found my way quickly to the cashier and checked out my groceries. It was calm and quiet inside, only the two of us. I actually digged the whole vibe with an empty gas station late at night.

"Here you go, have a good night miss," the old man behind the counter told me and handed the plastic bag over to me.

"You as well," I nodded my head to him and grabbed the plastic bag from him. I found my way out of the small store, the automatic sliding doors opened up for me and closed behind me when I got out. I stopped for a moment.

It was slightly cold outside and the moon was shining brightly above my head along with the twinkling stars. The gas station was still completely empty, most likely because everyone was at home and in bed.

I sighed and moved my feet to walk behind the gas station. I had to pass the parking lot behind the gas station and go through the forest path to get back to my apartment. It's actually a decent road through the forest that's well lit and not as creepy as it may sound.

My feet hit the concrete and I took a turn behind the store located at the gas station. I had to make one last turn, but I suddenly froze when I heard voices in the parking lot.

"You haven't fucking given me the money like we agreed on. You're overdue," a strong, masculine male voice said loudly in the dead night.

"I know bro, but if you could only give me one more month - and I swear to you I'll have your money! The sales have been low lately with everything going on with the pandemic!" Another male replied.

I moved closer behind the wall and peeked to see what was going on.

There were two cars parked in the parking lot facing each other with the headlights on, and some other cars on each side of the main cars. Two men in suits were facing each other and there were several other men on each side surrounding them.

What the fuck is going on? My face scrunched in confusion.

"That's not good enough, Joseph. You're not getting another month," the man I heard earlier say and then he pulled out a gun at the man he was facing.

All of a sudden, all the other men pulled out their guns as well, except for the bald guy named Joseph.

My eyes widened in shock when I noticed the shining handgun under the dim light in the man's hand, his finger wrapped around the trigger - ready to pull it at any moment.

Joseph was bald and probably in his forties. He seemed unfazed by having a gun raised to his head, maybe because he knew he had backup as well.

I let my eyes travel up the man's hand, the one holding the gun. My eyes trailed slowly up from his hand and up to his face.

I could only see his side profile.

There was something about him that told me he held a lot of power. He was obviosuly some sort of boss and held an authority over Joseph.

He had a long nose with a sharp nose edge and a defined jaw line. His eyes were hard to see, but in this lightning and at this angle, they seemed to be a dark shade of brown. His lips were a pink shade in a thin line. He had dark, medium long hair which was messy in an attractive way. He also had a beard that made him even more appealing.

He could possibly be in his early thirties.

He was a handsome man and it made me wonder why he was acting like this lunatic.

"You don't have to do this," Joseph told the Greek God holding the gun.

"You're four months overdue. You only bring me excuses and no results!" He spat back at Joseph.

"Fine. Two weeks and I'll give you your money," Joseph negotiated with the dissatisfied man about the money that he seemed to owe. "Come on, that's half the time I requested. I promise you I've got all your money by then," he continued saying.

There was a silence before the infuriated man decided what to do next.

To accept or not to accept?

The owl in the woodsbehind the gas station owled and the trees rustled in the light breeze in the night as the silence took place.

He lowered his weapon and held up a hand to tell his men to also lower their guns. As if they had come to an agreement.

"Two weeks, and that's it," he warned Joseph.

"Two weeks." Joseph nodded and gave a small smile, satisfied with the deal.

I just wanted them all to get going so I could get on my way back home and finally have the snacks I was craving for. I was also hoping I would get away from this safely. These weren't any normal people - I could obviously tell that much.

Who walks around with guns like it's their phone? I thought to myself

The men shook hands before they both turned and was about to leave.

I let out a sigh of relief.

Then suddenly, a loud noise erupted from the parking lot and gave me a mini heart attack. My ears begun to ring.

The handsome man had turned around quickly and shot Joseph in the head.

Joesph was shot dead.

My eyes widened and I placed my hand over my mouth quickly to stop myself from letting out any sounds. The plastic bag with my snacks fell to the ground.

Joseph was lying in his black suit on the hard concrete with his eyes wide open, looking up at the shiny night sky. Dark crimson blood was surrounding him on the ground. Blood seeping out of his head.

I was terrified and felt my body shake in fear.

I had just witnessed a murder.

By killing Joseph, his men pulled the trigger as well and it was a war to kill. It was Joseph's men against the handsome killer's men.

I felt unable to move and only slid down on the ground against the wall. I looked away from the scene and covered my ears from the loud beaming noises, wanting this all to be a nightmare that I would soon wake up from.

I don't know for how long I sat there, looking at gravel on the ground and covering my ears, but it felt like forever. My heart was beating quickly in my chest and my breathing had quickened.

After a while, the shooting had stopped and I heard cars speeding away from the parking lot.

I was pressed against the wall and removed my hands from my ears to try control my breathing. I placed a hand on my chest to still feel my heart racing.

I inhaled through my nose and exhaled through my mouth, all in the attempt to calm myself.

My heart dropped when my phone started buzzing and it started ringing loudly in my pocket. I damned myself for not putting it on silence.

I reached for it in the pocket of my sweatpants as fast as I could and saw the caller ID.

It was a freaking phone scammer this late at night. It made me angered that they had no fucking shame to call this late.

I quickly declined the call and hoped nobody had heard my phone.

I pressed my head against the wall again and placed the phone besides me on the ground.

I need to get out of here....

I then, to my surprise, saw a tall figure looking down at me from around the corner of the gas station, making me visibly jump and let out a scream of fear.

"Now, what do we have here?" He smirked down at me and stepped more clearly into my view.

It was the dangerously, handsome killer.

He looked even more hot this up close.

"Please don't hurt me," I begged him. "I'm just gonna head home and sleep it off. If somebody asks, I don't know what went down here," I told him, hoping he would have mercy on me and let me head home.

"No such thing can do," he replied to me and turned his back to me. "Grab her. She's seen things she shouldn't have seen," he tells some of his men.


"No, please no..." I cried and tried standing up on my trembling feet.

Two men were approaching me and I knew I was gonna be their next murder victim.

I pushed my self of the wall and tried running away on my feet. But they were so unstable and slowed me immensely down.

The two men caught easily up to me and one of them threw me over their shoulder. I hit him with my fist and screamed as loud as I could so hopefully someone could hear me.

"Let me go!" I screamed loudly, my voice echoing into the night.

"Help!" I continually shouted, just really hoping someone would come to my rescue and save me as I got carried away to God knows where.

In the distance, I saw the dangerous man crush my phone to pieces with his foot, repeatedly. Loud cracking noises could be heard whenever he stomped his foot down on the most expensive belonging I've ever owned.

When he finished ruining my phone, he placed it in the plastic bag along with my snacks.

He tied the plastic bag tightly and threw it in the nearest trash bin.

"Fuck you!" I shouted at him in tears and anger.

My phone, the cash in my phone case and my snacks were all gone. Just because of this bastard.

I was then thrown into a trunk and it was slammed shut.

My back hurt when I landed inside the trunk, which made me groan loudly in pain. My hand reached for the spot on my back that got injured. I massaged the spot, hoping the pain would fade away quickly.

I was locked up in the darkness of a trunk in silence.

All in one night I had managed to witness a murder, all my belongings were gone and I was kidnapped on top of it all.

Fuck my life.

