


It all started in the Vertongen Kingdom when the king named Galiko the third decided that his son Louis should get married but Louis was stubborn and did not want to marry which lead to his father Galiko the third disowning him and banning him from the Kingdom the mother of Louis Melissa pleaded to his father to forgive there son but the father king Galiko was angry and didn't want to forgive Louis so he was cursed out of the Kingdom. Louis had nowhere to go he started Living in the bush, one day he was exploring the area and found the Venham Kingdom and he was so happy because the Kingdom was wonderful and he was mesmerized by its nature and when the guards of Venham saw him they chased him saying" what do you want here stranger " Louis ran and until the guards of Venham Kingdom captured him and he was arrested two days past Louis was released with no evidence that he was a spy when Louis was looking the beautifulness of Venham Kingdom and not looking where he was going he bumped into a girl, she was wearing a black veil and black clothing all over and hiding her face the girl in black veil said " you don't have manners " Louis replying " excuse me !" Louis was annoyed and wanted to slap the girl but she managed to escape and the girl in the black veil slapped Louis first, he was embarrassed and Louis started apologizing to the girl " you know I didn't mean to be harsh I didn't know you were a girl an m very sorry " the girl in the black veil was very happy and she looked at Louis, he was looking dirty and tired the girl in black veil disguised herself as a poor girl she didn't want anyone to know her status that she was the daughter of the king Livramento Kita, so some times she would go out and see some people she enjoyed doing that when she met Louis it was a perfect opportunity to help someone, she took Louis and bought him some clothes and showed him around the Venham Kingdom, it was a memorable day and fantastic.

it was in the Venham Kingdom when Watkins the king decided to bann McGill cause he touched the ball of Oasis ,as a result he became evil and started killing people in the Venham Kingdom ,he became unstoppable and insatiable.

Every one was banned to touch the ball of Oasis because when you touch it you become a Gangoku ,it was kept in the box in the king's palace , because of greedy and envy McGill wanted to kill Watkins , one day McGill secretly entered where they kept the box of Oasis and touched it , upon that McGill became evil and lost his human form and became a Gangoku and went to vanish the king " what have you done McGill did you touch the box of Oasis ?" McGill replied " yes I did touch it ,I wanted to become superior more than you , cause you used to treat me like a puppet ,"

Watkins was so furious and ordered the army general, the general army Reece tried to fight with it but to no avail he failed " you know a m not to be dealt with now , I just can twitch my hands and you all vanish a m very disappointed with you Watkins , you thought you can use me for your own personal gain ,"

Watkins " it's not like you are just insatiable , power and greedy has made you a Gangoku , you knew in the first place that the power of the box of Oasis protect us the kingdom of Venham ,"

McGill replied " what you are saying is nothing Making sense ,I hope you have learned a lesson that a m going to wipe you out including your family and entire Venham Kingdom , this is something I had planned a long time ago,"

Watkins replied " but you know a m your brother McGill you should reason carefully our father left this throne for me it was inherited ,I was the first born so I had to take my rights has a rightfully owner , the all Kingdom in the Venham Kingdom know that a m good and very caring king just you complaining about me a m very upset with you ,"

Watkins and McGill the Gangoku started fighting until the Gangoku felt down " please don't kill me Watkins a m your brother remember when we were Younger , our daddy the king Vandersa how he used to teach us to our always love your brother ," when Watkins heard this he was touched and felt remorse for his brother though he became a Gangoku monster , and Watkins said " you know McGill things now have changed back there then you were a good human being but right now you are a monster in short a Gangoku and if I let you live it will be catastrophe to the kingdom of Venham Kingdom ," McGill replied " remember but a m your brother ,if you want to kill me then do it," Reece shouted with a loud voice " kill it my king or it will do the same to you , remember a Gangoku Never lesson much, cause your brother's spirit is taken the major controller of the body is a Gangoku , I prefer just kill it our priest Kamara is not in the kingdom for advise ," when Reece was talking the Gangoku had the chance now to kill Watkins , because at that time and fastly the Gangoku striked a lightening super power on chest and Watkins felt down started bleeding " you see now my brother I had told you that a m Superior , even though you were stronger than me during training , I suppose you now know were I stand ," the Gangoku started laughing and Reece shouted " you monster !" how can you do this to your own brother ," the Gangoku laughed said " you know I really don't know what you are talking about cause the person bleeding here is not my brother but my former I suppose" Reece was so furious the caliber of his powers grew in tunes " a m going to deal with you monster , you are going to remember the day you were born Reece fought with the Gangoku he reliezed that the more he is beating it the more it is becoming strong his powers started to dwindle " you see now human me a m a Gangoku will take over this Kingdom ,it will be under my care the threat is there sleeping and blood coming out soon he will die "the Gangoku laughed loudly such that every one in the kingdom got scared it started speaking in a loud voice every one hearing it " your king is now dead I suppose the kingdom will now be ruled by Gangoku's , it will be a new erra people in the Kingdom bow down to me your new king ," people got shocked what happened cause they never expected the kingdom will be taken over , Reece never gave up ,the soldiers of the kingdom tried to fight the Gangoku but to no avail it vanished them ,the soldiers in the kingdom depleted ," when Watkins woke up he , found Reece fighting with the Gangoku blood was still coming out ,he couldn't even stood up ,the palace was vandalized " you are no match to me , you keep fighting me , you see let me tell you the powers you have will drain as a result you will be no more and a m surprised you just keep fighting me . where are you getting that confidence because you really know deep down your heart you have are no match to me ." Reece said " it's my duty as a general to die for my kingdom than let you take over , I just can't take it " wow that's impressive but you know what sometimes you just have to give up there is no point in fighting with me ,if you don't know a m just using fifty percent of my powers and you are here bragging about defeating me that's impeccable and I guess you should just give up", a Gangoku said ,it was disaster in the kingdom of Venham the future lies at the course of despair.

