Vengeance For Amelia

Vengeance For Amelia

作家:Sparkling Brook



Amelia Newton was a lovely girl. She would never hurt anyone. She married James Newton. The famous billionaire. Everything in the world turned against her and she was suddenly killed. Now her twin sister Emily has returned to avenge her. Can she do it?

Amelia was a very sweet girl. She lived a very rough life in an orphanage. When she turned 18 she was on her own. She moved in with her friend Grace Morton.

Grace and Amelia had been friends since they were children. They attended the same school. One day Amelia was being picked on and Grace put a stop to it. They were the best of friends ever since eventhough Grace was 3 years older.

Grace had a two bedroom apartment downtown that her family paid for. She had an extra room and asked Amelia to move in. She also helped Amelia get a job in the office where she worked.

Grace worked for Newton, Jericho, and Stewart. She was a very promising lawyer. Amelia was hired as an office worker. She filed, copied, and answered phones. Not a glorious job but it paid well.

Amelia went to work everyday. She dressed in plain business attire, and tried to keep her head down. However, the office bully noticed her.

Jennifer King was the office bully. She would torment others in the office until they quit. She was infamous. Amelia had only been working a few days when Jennifer noticed her.

Jennifer stopped by Amelia's small desk and asked, "You're new here, aren't you?"

"Yes, I started Monday." Replied Amelia.

"I'm surprised the hired a plain girl like you. This law firm is the best in Jefferson. We have an image to uphold. What if a customer came in and you were the first person they saw? They would turn and leave." Jennifer sneered.

"Really? Mr. Jericho didn't have a problem with me dressing like this. I wore something similar during my interview and he never mentioned anything about my dress." Amelia stated.

"Well, he's a man. Men know nothing about clothes. I'm telling you you better start dressing better or I will fire you." Jennifer said.

"You can fire me?" Amelia asked.

"I can get you fired." Jennifer said as she turned and left.

Amelia wasn't sure about what Jennifer said. She would have to ask Grace later. It was 4:45 and Amelia was 15 minutes from finishing her day. Jennifer walked over with a large stack of papers.

"I need you to copy these. I need three copies of each document." Jennifer ordered.

"I will do them tomorrow first thing. I get off in less than 15 minutes." Amelia said.

"I guess you will work over tonight. I need them first thing in the morning." Replied Jennifer.

Amelia looked at the stack of papers and sighed. 'Lookes like it will be a long night.' Amelia thought.

