All These Years

All These Years




Being protected by the elder sisters, the nerd and ideological August McKinlay suddenly finds herself being grown up and chased by the boy who she thought was after her sister. The boy Henry in his teen leaves considering it as only a crush, but not without leaving a sharp ache in her heart. As years pass by, these unbossomed hearts meet again where August remains unchanged but Henry can't help being unreasonably cruel to her.


The alarm clock rings. August gets up immediately into her white silked pajamas. She looks into the clock to find out there's room for cuddling up for a bit more time with her pillow.

After a few yawning she lifts herself up and stands in front of the mirror. This is the time while August McKinlay looks the prettiest in the day. She feels like being a little more grown up than yesterday and gives herself a satisfied look!

It was a beautiful day. The sun shining bright outside and its rays were cleaning up the whole world with a magestic warmth. Spring birds were playing with their sweet chirping. The tree leaves beamed with glory of freshness.

It seemed like many other days of her life. Only she didn't know her life was going to change that day!!


No one's even up at home yet. The elder McKinlay sisters probably snoring like it’s midnight! Mom should be in deep sleep after trying hard to get herself asleep last night. She's recently been suffering from insomnia. Every night it gives her a real hard time.

Josh and Madelyn have their fun parties which begins past August's sleeping time. August is the only one to sleep early and get up early everyday for school. Madelyn is immediate to Josh's age which makes her 10 months younger only. August is younger to Josh than 5 years. That reasons with her being pampered by the elder McKinlay sisters even in her age of 13!

August gets freshen up and have a quick breakfast. Every sunday she's upset because she can't see her friends at school, but today is different. It’s her favorite cousin's wedding today! She waited for this day for long and today it’s finally here. No way she wants to be late or get less dressed up.

After a long shower she puts on her pink gown which is white laced on the neck and a little shining stone is attached in mid chest. The fish cut bottom of the silky fabric reveals her tiny white leg where she puts on the matching ribboned ballerina shoes. She does a braid on her hair in the front and twists it on the back, puts on a simple but elegent pearled hair clip on it. She looks at the mirror and can see her pupils shining like the twinkling stars. Her chicks blush and she looks away, and then....

'.....pst!!....not bad!!'

The eldest McKinlay reveals herself whistling to August, 'now you look like my sister!'

'...hush!' August's blushing face tries to ignore her.

'Lemme see how my sis cleans up.'

'You are irritating!'

August tries to act irritated but can't hide her smile. She looks at Josh who looks stunning even in her pajamas. She can't take her eyes off from her and release a little sigh. Josh is unreasonably pretty and bothered by boys around her almost every place she moves. Though it seems like she quite enjoys it and mom is much bothered by this attitude of her.

'Hey! That's my hair band!' Madelyn almost comes running to her. August shows the best puppy dog eyes to her....

'Ugh! Alright, just letting you borrow it!'

'Thank you thank you sister! You are the best!' August hugs Madelyn tight!

'Hush! Let me see you first. Don't you look good....'

